I made some good progress on Chapter 6 of CeleKing2, more than enough to make up for not doing any writing on Saturday. (It would seem that this has become my new pattern, but so long as I meet my weekly quota, it isn’t so terrible to take a day off in the week.) Although I should be switching over to TSoA1, I have to admit to not feeling much enthusiasm for it, so I think I’m going to go ahead with my proposition to put the story on hiatus until the spark of inspiration returns. Now I’ve just got to find the right story to work on in the meantime. I’ll inform you of that decision next time. Stay tuned.
Well, that stinger for Chapter 5 of CeleKing2 turned out to be longer than I originally thought, but that takes care of my primary objective for the week. Now it’s a matter of seeing how much farther I can go before the handover. Getting through Chapter 6 is now the stretch goal. We’ll see if I can find the time amid grinding for new summons and gear in the latest GBF collabo event. Stay tuned.
I finished the first section of Chapter 5 of CeleKing2. The second section amounts to little more than a stinger, so that’ll be done in no time. Things are progressing nicely. I just have to keep going. Stay tuned.
I made a little progress on Chapter 5 of CeleKing2, under quota but I’ve already made more than enough progress before that to make up for a day’s underperformance. I’m already well on my way to completing my main goal for the week and should be done with the chapter after another day’s work. Getting through Chapter 6 before it’s time to switch over is entirely possible. Stay tuned.
I managed to get through Chapter 4 of CeleKing2 and start on Chapter 5. Things are moving along at a nice pace. Meeting the goal for the week looks to be no problem. All well and good. More to come. Stay tuned.
I managed to wrap up Chapter 3 of CeleKing2 and start in on Chapter 4. The goal for this week is to at least get through Chapter 5. Making it as far as Chapter 6 would be even better. Stay tuned.
I made a little more progress on Caradoc’s Chapter 1 of TSoA1 and managed to complete Chapter 1 of CeleKing1 at long last. I figure I’ll let the latter sit until next cycle to go back through it and clean it up a bit. More to come. Stay tuned.
Tags: Arthurian, CeleKing2, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Earth Arc, Fifth Empire, The Seeds of Avalon, TSoA1, WIP Update
Arthurian, CeleKing2, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Earth Arc, Fifth Empire, The Seeds of Avalon, TSoA1, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I may not have to put TSoA1 on the back burner after all. I was able to make some progress on what is currently Chapter 10 of the Caradoc gaiden and continued my work on Chapter 1 of CeleKing2. Still not finished on the latter and I don’t plan on setting it down until I am. Stay tuned.
Tags: Arthurian, CeleKing2, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Earth Arc, Fifth Empire, The Seeds of Avalon, TSoA1, WIP Update
Arthurian, CeleKing2, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Earth Arc, Fifth Empire, The Seeds of Avalon, TSoA1, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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While trying to pick up TSoA1, I found myself completely blanking. I may have to put the story on hiatus for a little while to recharge and refocus, but I’m going to give it another day or two to see if the inspiration won’t come. Meanwhile, I did make more progress on Chapter 1 of CeleKing2, but I think I’m going to have to go back through and give it some major edits as the chapter feels rather disjointed and convoluted at the moment. (I guess that’s only natural when you’re grafting offline content with stuff that’s been written years ago.) Things to do. I guess this means CeleKing2 will at least get a couple more days and we’ll see what becomes of TSoA1. Stay tuned.
Tags: Arthurian, CeleKing2, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Earth Arc, Fifth Empire, The Seeds of Avalon, TSoA1, WIP Update
Arthurian, CeleKing2, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Earth Arc, Fifth Empire, The Seeds of Avalon, TSoA1, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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After skipping a day and not even touching my writing until after midnight as I was preoccupied with my rewatch of Escaflowne, I still managed to make a decent chunk of progress on Chapter 1 of CeleKing2, but I didn’t get to finish it. Overall, I did more than double quota for the week, but I’m going to spend another day on it so I can at least finish that chapter. I’ll still be moving on to TSoA1, though I’m still not entirely sure about what I want to do with the story at this point. I guess I’ll focus on the Caradoc Freichfras chapters for now and once those are written, I’ll figure out what comes next. Stay tuned.