I know I haven’t been missing many days lately, but I actually was doing story-related work Saturday. I was mostly updating the map and crunching numbers based on some new developments to the story. I realize I may have characters moving at slightly unrealistic paces in some spots, but I guess so long as no one else sees my calculations, it won’t be a problem.
Once all that was done, I was able to jump ahead and finish Chapter 21 of TBP. I know I haven’t finished Chapter 20 yet, but I had a flash of inspiration and wanted to strike while the iron was hot. Next time, I’ll probably have trouble with Chapter 22 because I already have a lot of it written and so it won’t be easy to match things up when I’m writing in my notepad at work. That’s fine, though. I can just finish Chapter 20, do the opening of Chapter 22 and then move on to 23. But that’s three weeks off. This week we’re going to finish CeleKing1 and hopefully start CeleKing2, if my desire to take advantage of the Switch’s mobile capabilities to play Breath of the Wild doesn’t suck up all my free time. ^_^; Stay tuned.
I finished Chapter 19 of TBP and started in on Chapter 20. I’ve managed to do nearly 9K words of progress so far this week. Honestly, it seems like having to resort to pen and paper has been one of the best things for my progress. I’d like to at least finish Chapter 20 if I can before the weekend’s out, but if I don’t manage it, I’ve already done more than enough. Next week we push on to the end of CeleKing1 and likely will be starting CeleKing2, so I’m looking forward to that. Stay tuned.
I pretty well finished up Chapter 18 of TBP, which means I’m above the power curve, which bodes well for a smooth serialization once the story debuts on the site in two weeks. Ten years after starting the site and nearly 20 years of sitting in development, it’s finally going to get its time to shine. Stay tuned.
I managed to pretty well finish both Chapter 16 and 17 of TBP. That succeeds in meeting my goal for the week, so everything after this is a bonus. I may well manage to get two more chapters knocked out before the weekend’s out. Stay tuned.
I made more progress on Chapter 16 of TBP. Even with a few more of my slots filled up, I’m doing rather well for myself and the task of handwriting hasn’t proven to be as burdensome as I would’ve thought. Maybe because I’m so eager to write, it’s a mind over matter thing. Who knows? So the goal is to finish two chapters in the week and it seems doable, even with Chapter 16 turning out so long. Stay tuned.
I made some progress on Chapter 16 of TBP. The goal is to get at least two chapters finished this week, but the chapters tend to be longer here than in TSoA1, for instance. We’ll see what I can do. Stay tuned.
In an early chapter of TSoA1, the narration, from the perspective of King Coel Hen, says that he can trace his lineage all the way back to the legendary Brutus of Troy, the first King of the Britons. I hadn’t planned on doing that tracing myself, but it came as part of the deal. Interestingly, you have these two branches with the same descendants, only one flattens them out, making siblings children and grandchildren. I suppose it’s not impossible to have successive generations named after the kings in the main line, but I’m pretty sure the source just got the information wrong. Given how some of these alleged kings conflict with other information I have, the whole thing may be rubbish.
I was able to clear some things up with the lines of Conan Meriadoc and Ceneu ap Coel, which I consider accomplishments. I also managed to trace out Arthur’s descendants as Arthwys ap Mor. My original trees may have to be scrapped as a quicker alternative to trying to fix what I have. I already had to revamp the main tree once, so I guess it’s not much of a surprise I’d have to do it again. I need to spend some more time with the Arthurian legends and not just the pseudo-historical genealogies. While I am telling my own story, I’d be doing the legends no justice by leaving out some of the best material. There’s a whole lot of stuff just on Gradlon Mawr I want to explore further.
In short, no story progress to speak of, but since I did almost 12K during the week, I’m not hurting by any stretch. I think by the end of next cycle I’ll have come to a decision on when I want to start serialization. In the meantime, it’s on to TBP. With TTWC3 wrapping this month, it’s going to have to get ready for prime time. I was thinking about a biweekly schedule, but if I can finish at least two chapters a cycle, I won’t overrun the work in progress publishing a chapter a week. I like having at least one story on a weekly schedule, so we’re going to try that and if I do fall behind in my progress, I’ll switch to biweekly. Stay tuned.
Tags: Arthurian, BroPen, Earth Arc, TBP, Tellus Arc, The Brothers Pendragon, The Seeds of Avalon, TSoA1, Umbriel, WIP Update
Arthurian, Earth Arc, Tellus Arc, The Brothers Pendragon, The Seeds of Avalon, TSoA1, Umbriel, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I’ve made more progress in Chapter 16 of TBP, not quite making quota, but I was on the road most of the day Thursday, there’s a lot of family activities going on, I’m having to hastily make preparations for my departure for Japan on Monday, I’m trying to get a new laptop set up, and there’s still my translation project to consider, so it’s a wonder I’ve gotten anywhere at all. You may not hear of much else for a couple days, though, but we’ll see. Stay tuned.
I managed to wrap up Chapter 15 of TBP and started in on Chapter 16. Things are moving along nicely, but I need to buckle down on my translation again. I’m starting to slip behind again. All things to work on. Stay tuned.
I made more progress on Chapter 15 of TBP. I’d say I should have the chapter done in another day or two. Stay tuned.