Saturday was entirely devoted to transcribing the week’s writing, but I dropped the ball Sunday and didn’t get anything done. I’ve since switched over to CeleKing3 and worked a little on Chapter 4. I also did some writing on Chapter 36 of TBP in a bid to make up for progress I didn’t make over the weekend. Going back to CeleKing3, if I can complete two or three chapters this week, I’ll be happy. Stay tuned.
Tags: BroPen, CeleKing3, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, TBP, Tellus Arc, The Brothers Pendragon, Umbriel, WIP Update
CeleKing3, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, Tellus Arc, The Brothers Pendragon, Umbriel, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I finished Chapter 35 of TBP and started on Chapter 36. I think it might be too ambitious to try to get through Chapter 37 by the time the weekend’s out, but we’ll see what I can do. Stay tuned.
I made some good progress on Chapter 35 of TBP. Another day or two and I should have it finished. While I may have the quota taken care of as far as wordcount goes, I need to meet my chapter-based goals as well. If possible, I’d like to have the book done by the end of next cycle. We’ll see if I can manage that, though. Stay tuned.
I’ve made a little more progress in Chapter 35 of TBP. I’m having to do a little more research on tactics to choreograph the battle. Turns out I had some misconceptions to be cleared up. We’ll see if that research yields some breakthrough. Stay tuned.
More progress on Chapter 35 of TBP. I’m not entirely sure how big this’ll get, but I guess we’ll find out. Stay tuned.
I managed to finish Chapter 34 of TBP and start on Chapter 35. I’m thinking about adding another chapter between the current 37 and 38. You’ll probably see that change reflected on the next update. Stay tuned.
I did a little writing on Chapter 38 of TBP, thinking I could knock it out quickly, but I wound up spending most of my writing time in the peripheral materials. A lot has changed in the course of writing the story, so my encyclopedia in particular needed thorough updating. This week I’d like to get three chapters of TBP done. That may be too ambitious, but I should be doing at least that much. Stay tuned.
I made a little more progress in Chapter 34 of TBP. As for TG, I just kinda stared at the page, thought about what I wanted to happen, then didn’t write a word. Better luck next time. Stay tuned.
Tags: BroPen, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, TBP, Tellus Arc, TG, The Brothers Pendragon, Tzipi's Garden, Umbriel, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, Tellus Arc, The Brothers Pendragon, Tzipi's Garden, Umbriel, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I made some progress on both Chapter 11 of TG and Chapter 34 of TBP. It seems I’ll be aiming for this dual track approach for the week. If it works out, maybe I can have TBP finished by the end of next week. Something to shoot for. Stay tuned.
Tags: BroPen, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, TBP, Tellus Arc, TG, The Brothers Pendragon, Tzipi's Garden, Umbriel, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, Tellus Arc, The Brothers Pendragon, Tzipi's Garden, Umbriel, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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Well, there went another three-day weekend all frittered away. Saturday the only thing I really accomplished was getting caught up on the transcriptions. Sunday I was getting thumbnails together for the entire series of reviews I’m doing, so that was time that could’ve been spent on writing. Monday all I managed to do was a couple paragraphs on Chapter 34 of TBP. It’s funny. Two weeks of focusing on TBP and all I manage is about one week’s quota. I have this bad habit of waiting until near the end of my day to start writing and by then I’m no longer coherent enough to get much done. Oh well. I guess I should hop over to CeleKing3 for a while. Let’s see what I can get done. Stay tuned.