I mostly spent my available time writing reviews, but I also put the finishing touches on the epilogue of TBP. (I also seem to have gotten distracted enough yesterday that I didn’t get around to writing this entry then.) I guess it’s time to switch over to CeleKing3, but I may still do some Tellus-related stuff as well. Stay tuned.
I made more progress on Chapter 2 of Tellus and the epilogue of TBP. Really need to get the latter done. Stay tuned.
Tags: BroPen, Hannibal, TBP, Tellus, Tellus Arc, The Brothers Pendragon, Umbriel, WIP Update
Hannibal, Tellus, Tellus Arc, The Brothers Pendragon, Umbriel, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I managed to pretty well finish Chapter 39 of TBP. It’ll probably go through a round or two of revisions before it goes up, but I think I’ve built back enough of a lead to start thinking about other stories. I figure I’ll get to work on Tellus as it’s what I want to follow TBP. Got a lot ahead of me. Stay tuned.
Well, finally. Yes, I’ve finally gotten through Chapter 37 of TBP. Clocking in around 5400 words, it’s hardly my longest chapter, but it took no small effort to get through it. Going back and editing it prior to the update on Tuesday is bound to be all sorts of fun. I also made some headway on Chapter 39. I should be able to finish it before the weekend’s out and maybe the epilogue as well so I can start the new week on a new project. Stay tuned.
I made some good progress on Chapter 37 of TBP, pretty well completing the penultimate sequence. Have I mentioned this is a long chapter? Not quite the Battle of Darkwall level, but still quite the heavy-hitter. Just have to keep on pushing and I’ll be done. Stay tuned.
I made some respectable progress on Chapter 37 of TBP, but I’m still a ways from being finished. The plan is to buckle down over the weekend, but that was the plan last weekend too. We’ll see what happens. Stay tuned.
More baby steps in Chapter 37 of TBP. I’ll admit my usual distractions are a part of the problem, but as I noted last time, I have been feeling more tired than usual. Hopefully I can turn things around on the weekend and finally get this done. Stay tuned.
Well, as you’ve no doubt observed, I didn’t finish Chapter 37 of TBP in time for the update. It’s a big chapter, the climax of the story, and so it’s going to take more time. I’m making good headway, though, and only have to complete something like three sequences and it’ll be done.
It doesn’t help that I’ve found myself to be more tired than usual and can’t make it through an evening awake. Maybe it’s just part of a delayed transition process back into working life. Who knows? I’ll continue to hammer away and we’ll eventually be able to call it a wrap. Stay tuned.
I made some more progress in Chapter 37 of TBP but fell short of finishing it. I usually like to let a chapter sit a day or two before posting it, but I guess I’ll shoot for a “hot off the presses” update. I may end up just having to wait until next week to post it. At least there’ll be a chapter of CeleKing2 ready to go, so we won’t have completely dead air. You may remember how bad my update schedule could get back in the early days of the site. Missing a week or two isn’t nearly so bad by comparison. I’ll see what I can do. Stay tuned.
I made some progress on Chapter 37 of TBP, but I’m not quite finished yet. I’m going to have to buckle down to get it ready by the deadline. Stay tuned.