Category: TTWC3

Jul 11 2016

WIP Update – 09-10 Jul 16

I managed to wrap up Mab’s Chapters 3 and 4 and made progress on her Chapter 5 and epilogue. Finishing Chapter 5 is particularly sticky because it threatens to derail Rowland’s character. The end result is a necessity, but the leaping off point is where the problems arise. I guess I can worry about it next cycle. On to CeleKing1 for a week. Stay tuned.

Jul 09 2016

WIP Update – 08 Jul 16

I made a little more progress on Mab’s Chapter 4 of TTWC3, under par because I crashed out while working on it. I’ll make up for lost progress, though. Stay tuned.

Jul 08 2016

WIP Update – 07 Jul 16

While I didn’t finish the chapter, I did write more than the minimum daily quota on Mab’s Chapter 4 of TTWC3. It and the epilogue will be the easiest to finish as I’ve already done the dialog, but I can’t leave Chapters 3 and 5 behind, now can I? I may not finish the section this week, but we’ll see what I can get accomplished. Stay tuned.

Jul 07 2016

WIP Update – 06 Jul 16

I managed to finish Mab’s Chapter 2 of TTWC3 and wrote a little on her Chapters 3 and 5. If I can finish a chapter a day throughout the rest of the week, I’ll be done with her section. I won’t promise it, but I’ll try to make it happen. Stay tuned.

Jul 06 2016

WIP Update – 05 Jul 16

I did a little writing on Mab’s Chapter 2 of TTWC3. A little under par, but I didn’t have a lot of energy left after finishing the latest leg of the translation project. Now I get to go through a round of edits. Yay. I’ll try to make what progress I can in the time I can carve out for myself. Stay tuned.

Jul 05 2016

WIP Update – 04 Jul 16

I wrote a little on Mab’s epilogue after finishing the day’s work. I know I’m jumping around, but I just follow the moment’s inspiration. Maybe when things settle down, I can focus on a single chapter through to the end. Stay tuned.

Jul 04 2016

WIP Update – 03 Jul 16

I did some work on Mab’s Chapter 2 of TTWC3, finished the dialog for her Chapter 4 and wrote a little on her Chapter 5 as well. Finishing her section this week is certainly plausible, but my first priority is my translation project. I’ve got two more chapters to get in over the next couple days, but after that I may have a little time to breathe. Stay tuned.

Jul 01 2016

Character Spotlight: Simona

I’m rather fond of Simona and not just for the fanservice factor she provides. Her basic concept was inspired heavily by Pirotess from Record of Lodoss War (and you can draw parallels between Simona’s relationship with Rowland and Pirotess’ with Ashram). She was originally a comfort woman brought over to service the upper echelons of King Zanil’s forces during the Chaos Dominion’s invasion of Notos. When the Darklander advance was turned back by the Zephyrian legions, she was captured by Clovin the Knight Champion of Notos, who led the Notian remnant. It’s hard to say why he spared her, but she agreed to serving Clovin’s bloodline in exchange for her life. As mentioned in the story proper, the generations to come varied in quality, but Rowland was the first to truly earn a full measure of her devotion.

It’s rather obvious that Simona is madly in love with Rowland. She had shades of infatuation with a few of her prior masters, but it never amounted to anything. Of course, even if she had lived, the best she could’ve hoped for was to be some sort of mistress on the side. Maybe that would’ve been enough for her. Maybe not. It wasn’t until after she died that Rowland was willing to admit any mutual feeling, so it’s not certain if he would’ve stopped holding her at arm’s length. Ah, tragic romance…

If you compare and contrast the human-nonhuman pairings in the series, Simona doesn’t have the same leverage over her partner as you see with Solon and Xanthe or Ionathas and Corona. Maybe it has something to do with her being raised as a servant and spending her entire life in that capacity. It certainly doesn’t look good for her own will to be subjugated to that of her master, but she’s never known anything else and she’s too strictly bound to her own code of honor to go back on her oath no matter how bad things get.

It might have been fun to tell the story of Rowland’s trade negotiations with Daphne from her perspective. Needless to say, his flirting with a half-Alari Zephyrian hits just about every sore spot she has. Hard to say who was more jealous, Simona or Uriel. ^o^

I guess that’ll do for now. In seven weeks I’ll be back to cover Carpos. What a piece of work that guy is. Stay tuned.

Jun 20 2016

WIP Update – 19 Jun 16

Well, for those of you who don’t know, the mascot likes to think she’s the boss of me and at times she likes to assert when my bedtime is. However, she can be prone to distraction and I thought I could get away with something. I wrote a little on Mab’s Chapter 2, then promptly conked out, so she got her way all the same. Dagnabbit. Earlier in the day, I’d spent a fair bit of time working down my review backlog and I’ve been working in the peripheral materials to sort out the noble houses of Erdi for the CeleKing series. That makes my lack of progress seem slightly less bad, but not by much. I’ll switch over to JJ and hopefully get that done. Stay tuned.

Jun 18 2016

WIP Update – 17 Jun 16

I did some tweaking to Mab’s prologue and Chapter 1 as I was reviewing them to get into character and made a little progress on her Chapter 2. However, I let myself get distracted by some work in the peripheral materials. If I focus, I should be able to complete two or three chapters this weekend. Let’s see what I manage. Stay tuned.