Category: Umbriel

Sep 13 2015

WIP Update – 12 Sep 15

I’ll admit it. I only wrote a couple paragraphs on Simona’s Chapter 4 of TTWC3. Normally that wouldn’t be enough to warrant a post, but I did spend an inordinate amount of time putting together the family tree of the Redgrave royal family for Tzipi’s Garden. That warrants mention, I believe. It was somewhat nightmarish to craft because there are basically six noble families that intermarry generation after generation. I know it’s fairly plausible given a historical view of the aristocracy, but that’s a lot of dang incest. -_- Because I strayed from the beaten path in the latter half of the week, I think I’ll stick with TTWC3 and try to round out Simona’s section. Stay tuned.

Sep 10 2015

WIP Update – 09 Sep 15

I managed to finish up Simona’s Chapter 3 of TTWC3 and make a little headway on her Chapter 4, then I made a surprise turn and did some writing on Chapter 23 of Tzipi’s Garden. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,” you say. “Did you somehow magically write the past 22 chapters when no one was looking?” No. In fact, beyond the first couple chapters I still don’t have much of anything set for the plot. So why Chapter 23? Well, Chapter 23 happens to feature the event that inspired the entire book, so that explains why it was sticking in my mind and I wanted to flesh it out on the page a little more. Anyway, TTWC3 is supposed to be my focus for this week, so I’ll try to stay on task. Stay tuned.

Sep 09 2015

WIP Update – 08 Sep 15

I’ll come right out and admit it. I blew my free time on Labor Day playing FEif instead of doing any writing. I may have written something like a sentence or two at best. However, I made up for it yesterday by moving on ahead with Simona’s Chapter 3 in TTWC3. Another day and I should have it finished. It may be too ambitious to try to finish her section by the end of this week, but I’ll make that a goal. With the resumption of EM and the launch of JJ coming up next month, I should probably focus on them when I’m not working on TTWC3, but I may wander around a bit. We’ll see. Stay tuned.

Aug 17 2015

WIP Update – 16 Aug 15

I made some good progress on Simona’s Chapter 3 of TTWC3, but in the process of doing so, I strayed off to fill in more of the backstory of the royal families of Notos and Zephyr (which actually does have some relevance to the chapter in question). Needless to say, it’s a lot easier working on the family tree of the Notian royal family, which only lasted eight generations, to that of Zephyr, which easily tops forty (and even with all the additional work I’ve just done, I’m only about halfway there). It’s kinda funny how these stories start to develop as I do this genealogical work. Let’s say it starts with a list of kings. Then I start filling in the rest of the immediate family and start branching out a bit. As I add the people, their stories begin to emerge. Love and loss, tragedy and triumph… It’s pretty cool stuff, truth be told.

I have yet to determine if I’ll stick with TTWC3 a while longer yet or if I’ll switch over to EM. Part of me wants to do the former or even spend some time with JJ, but I really need to be at least four chapters into EM before its serialization resumes next month. Stay tuned.

Aug 16 2015

WIP Update – 15 Aug 15

I made a little progress on Simona’s Chapter 3 of TTWC3, but something funny happened. I’ve looked into it a few times, but I wanted to look again into the kinds of city gates you’d actually find in the 6th Century (the rough equivalent in Earth time to when the Trident War Chronicles take place), but by Googling “gate”, I instead got results for the anime series GATE: Jieitai Kanochi nite Kaku Tatakaeri. I followed up on it, was intrigued by the premise, then proceeded to marathon all seven eps currently available. It’s really good stuff. It’s not the first to pit the modern military against a more primitive enemy, but that doesn’t hurt it any. Actually, I have my own story that fits into the basic subgenre, The End of Times, which is intended as the final novel in the Tellus Arc. Without spoiling too much for a story that’s years away from entering full development, I will say that the Jieitai runs a much more successful campaign.

I also started watching Overlord, which I’m enjoying as well. I’m noticing a disturbing trend, though. You’re seeing more and more of these series about listless Japanese young people being transported into these alternate worlds and almost immediately refusing to return. Alternate world stories are nothing new, but even if the character develops these new powers, finds love, etc., the goal is always to get back. The fact that the real world is being rejected so definitively in more recent stories of this type points to an unsettling malaise. I can understand it, of course. I certainly know both the general circumstances of the world and in Japan particularly that makes this trend appealing, but I find it a sad commentary on the state of the world all the same.

Aug 14 2015

WIP Update – 13 Aug 15

I wrapped up Rowland’s epilogue and with it, his section. Now I can move on to Simona and resume that. Stay tuned.

Aug 13 2015

WIP Update – 11 Aug 15

I finished up Rowland’s Chapter 5 and did some writing on his epilogue. It’ll be nice to have one section done. If I can get a couple more down, I’ll have a good head start once TTWC2 ends. Stay tuned.

Aug 11 2015

WIP Update – 10 Aug 15

I think I may finally be losing some steam in my FE14 playing, which is a good thing for my writing. I did manage to make a little progress in TTWC3, pretty well wrapping up Rowland’s Chapter 4 and adding a bit to his Chapter 5. I’ve been telling myself for a while that I would get back in the habit of meeting quota and I may finally be moving forward in that regard. Stay tuned.

Jul 27 2015

Character Spotlight: Sir Caligo

The origins of Sir Caligo are somewhat unusual. During my first playthrough of Ogre Battle 64, I didn’t know a thing about the Chaos Frame or how to act to set your alignment. (The fact that your Chaos Frame data is hidden from you until after the end of the game doesn’t help.) As a result, I simply stormed my way through the missions and was completely blindsided when everyone started turning on me in the end. The heroes from the original game fought me and the leader of the resistance who owed his position to my efforts denounced me. It was a complete and utter betrayal. Add that to the typical civilian grumbling you get in Japanese fiction and I became wrathful, wanting an add-on campaign where I would march my army from one corner of the land to the next and raze the villages of all those bloody ingrates. (I later learned that you have to march on villages with units of matching alignment to “liberate” rather than “conquer” territory and so my second run was a much happier one.) Anyway, I decided to use this scenario in one of my stories and so Sir Caligo was born.

Narkissos of Karas was a young soldier who served with distinction in the Herakles War, where a colony of the Herakles threatened to overrun Euros. Later, when King Euromakhos’ twin sons Castor and Pollux refused to rule jointly as per their father’s dying wishes, the Gemini War broke out. Narkissos served in the cause of King Pollux, who was favored by the aristocracy, and with his elite Companions at the core of his army, he handily crushed the plebeian forces supporting King Castor. When his victory was complete, Narkissos found himself bitterly hated by the people and in a bid to appease them, King Pollux stripped Narkissos of his honors and exiled him while his Companions were thrown into prison.

Stewing in his anger in exile in the Eurean colony of Thessalonica (whose short-lived bid for independence was ended by none other than Narkissos himself, so there were no friends to be found in the city), he saw an opportunity when the Thessalonians suffered the predations of an ancient vampire they called the Miastor Prince. As you know from Caligo’s prologue, Narkissos challenged the Miastor Prince, was defeated and turned into a vampire himself. However, he succeeded in killing the Miastor Prince shortly after being turned and by drinking the ancient vampire’s heart’s blood, he received a power boost much greater than any newborn vampire, even one sired by an ancient, should have. With this new power, he was able to return to Euros, free his Companions and exact his revenge on the people who betrayed him.

While revenge sounds sweet, one of the themes I tend to reinforce in my stories is that however cathartic revenge might be at first, it’s ultimately empty or at very least it takes more than it gives. When Narkissos’ campaign of revenge was over, the rich nation of Euros was in ruins, its people all dead or fled, and there were no plans to build anything in the wake of this destruction. His Companions stuck faithfully by his side, desiring a share in his immortality to take on the world, but Narkissos didn’t share that ambition and quickly came to realize the true nature of his curse. He refused to grant his loyal followers their wish and so they grew old and died, then the ruined Kingdom of Euros was visited by the Black Dragon Xargos and cursed to become the Darklands.

Lacking ambition, Narkissos’ talents could only be used in service of a superior and so he became Sir Caligo the Knight of Chaos. He served Xargos and then the Dark Elf king Zanil who followed him. Were it not for a vampire’s inability to cross open water (without some trickery as demonstrated by Dracula in Bram Stoker’s novel), the invasion of Notos would’ve likely gone quite differently, but being left in the Darklands, Caligo could do little as Zanil’s hubristic overreach led to his downfall and the collapse of the Chaos Dominion.

Caligo may well have spent the rest of eternity in hibernation were it not for the Dark Eternal raising him to serve the Monarch Lich. While there was some joy to be had in fighting once more, it was a fairly hollow thing conquering the various monsters and fell races of the Darklands. The prospect of fighting the Zephyrians stirred a little of the old passion, though, and while he found Duke Cronos to be a disappointing opponent, he was intrigued by Ionathas and started playing the game that ultimately ended in his self-engineered demise.

I definitely wanted to play up the parallels between Caligo and Ionathas. It wouldn’t have taken much of a push for Ionathas to go down the same path and there may well be an If Arc story in the future that explores that possibility. Anyway, even with Caligo seeking his own death, there’s no way an ordinary human could stand a chance against an ancient vampire of Caligo’s power, so I contrived the revival of Caligo’s Companions, their destruction at his hands and the Monarch Lich’s punishment for his disobedience. Being brought down to the level of a newborn vampire, Ionathas wasn’t quite so ridiculously outmatched but still didn’t stand much chance if Caligo wasn’t intent on dying by Ionathas’ hand. The one condition was that Ionathas could not surrender no matter how hopeless the fight seemed. Ionathas passed the test and so Caligo handed over Soul Drinker bring about his destruction.

As evidenced by the fact that his section is the longest, Caligo is my favorite character in TTWC2. I may well explore his past in greater depth in as of yet undeveloped stories. Next time we’ll be looking into the tragic figure of King Orguz. Stay tuned.

Jul 20 2015

WIP Update – 19 Jul 15

After another day of falling off the wagon as it were, I managed to make some progress on Rowland’s Chapter 4 of TTWC3. Now I’ll be setting it to the side for a bit while I move over to the Cross Arc and work on JJ and EM a bit. I should probably just choose one, but I haven’t decided yet. Stay tuned.