Category: Tico4

May 17 2014

WIP Update – 16 May 14

I made some progress on Chapter 4 of Tico4, getting through most of the dialog in one section and starting on another. There are nine sections, mind, so I’ve still got a lot ahead of me. Stay tuned.

May 16 2014

WIP Update – 15 May 14

I managed to get through that tricky patch of Chapter 3 of Tico4 and did a little work on Chapter 4 as well. Although I don’t expect to finish it over the weekend, I do intend to make more progress on the latter. It’s going to be quite the slog, but hopefully the end result will make it all worth it. Stay tuned.

May 14 2014

WIP Update – 13 May 14

I worked on getting things together to better resolve the pickles of Chapters 3 and 4 of Tico4. It’s still going to take a fair bit of legwork before I get it all resolved. Other stuff is keeping me pretty busy at the moment, so I don’t know how much progress I’ll be making this week. I’ll see what I can do, though. Stay tuned.

May 06 2014

WIP Update – 05 May 14

I pretty well finished the prologue of Tico4, did a little work on Chapter 3, and some bits of dialog elsewhere.

In other news, I’m considering adding in another story to the publication cycle once Tico3 is done. I haven’t committed to the idea yet, but we’ll see. There was a time (back when there were only three Arcs instead of five) when I planned to have one story from each Arc serialized every week. That was an easier idea then when I had a lot more free time and four books already pretty much completed. Now I don’t know if I could pull that off even if I did nothing but write. Still, it’d be nice if I could up my output a little more, but I suppose if I can at least be consistent, that’s good too. Stay tuned for decisions to come.

Apr 21 2014

WIP Update – 19 Apr 14

This report is a little late, but I made more progress on Chapter 3 of Tico4, grinding to a halt on a particularly tricky section, then mostly finished Chapters 6 and 7 and did little bits of dialog in a few other places. I believe I’ll be switching back over to TTWC1 this week, so I can give the Tico folks a rest and gather my thoughts in preparation for the next push. Stay tuned.

Apr 19 2014

WIP Update – 18 Apr 14

I made a little more progress on Chapter 3 of Tico4. You know how some authors talk about the characters writing themselves? Well, it happens to me sometimes and usually the story benefits from it, but occasionally they threaten to derail the plot. Maybe I’ll discuss this in greater depth once the chapter gets posted. My weekend is fairly open, so I hope to make some good progress over the next couple days. Stay tuned.

Apr 18 2014

WIP Update – 17 Apr 14

Still inching along in Chapter 3 of Tico4. That’s it, really. Stay tuned for more.

Apr 17 2014

WIP Update – 16 Apr 14

I’ve pretty well finished Chapter 1 and am making headway into Chapter 3 of Tico4. I need to go back and fill in just a little bit of the prologue bridging two scenes, then it’s full steam ahead from there. Chapter 4 is going to be a nightmare to write, but I’ve got an idea of how to go forward and hopefully it’ll pan out. Stay tuned.

Apr 15 2014

WIP Update – 14 Apr 14

I made some progress on Chapters 1 and 2 of Tico4. And that’s really all there is to say at present. Stay tuned for more.

Apr 14 2014

WIP Update – 13 Apr 14

Even though I probably should’ve been devoting more time to other things, I was neck-deep in research and made some good progress on Chapter 3 of Tico4. (“What about Chapter 2?” you ask? Well, I did write a couple lines there, but that chapter doesn’t require extra research on my part.) Once said chapter comes out, I’ll relate the nature of this research in a commentary post, but for now, I want to avoid spoilers. If all goes well, I should be done through Chapter 3 by the end of the week, maybe even through Chapter 4. That’ll give me even more wiggle room when it comes to the Space Arc rotation, but on the other side of things, I’ll need to push through the latter chapters of Gamaliel’s section of TTWC1. That can be a challenge for next week. (As you’ve probably noticed from last week’s posts, I’ve been putting more time into TTWC2 than trying to fight with the more difficult characters of Gamaliel and Xenomachos.) Expect me to stay relatively focused on Tico4 throughout the week, though I may occasionally slip into some of the shorts as well. Stay tuned.