Category: Tico4

Aug 08 2014

WIP Update – 07 Aug 14

Wednesday was rather hectic,which is why the weekly update was delayed. I didn’t have any time for writing either. Though I’ve been writing above quota, I still owe that extra 500 words. I planned on getting that knocked out yesterday, but I had to force myself just to make quota, so that extra bit will have to come later. Anyway, on the topic at hand, I made a little more progress in Chapter 12 of Tico4. I plan on pushing a little farther along today. Stay tuned.

Aug 07 2014

WIP Update – 05 Aug 14

I made some progress in Chapter 12 of Tico4. This is a longer one, so it’ll take a few days to finish. Nothing to it but to do it. Stay tuned.

Aug 05 2014

WIP Update – 04 Aug 14

I pretty well finished Chapters 10 and 11 of Tico4. We’re moving right on along with the story. If I stick to the straight-ahead approach, I could probably get through Chapter 13 or 14 by the end of the week. We’ll see how that goes. Stay tuned.

Jul 29 2014

WIP Update – 27 Jul 14

I pretty well finished Chapter 9 in Tico4 and made some decent headway into Chapter 10. Maybe now with my new push to meet wordcount quotas will ensure that I wrap up TTWC1 and move on to TTWC2. Stay tuned.

Jul 27 2014

WIP Update – 26 Jul 14

I made some decent progress on Chapter 9 of Tico4. This is something I’ve been meaning to do for a while and I may have actually brought it up in a previous entry, but I’m pledging to write at least 500 words of story content a day every day, no exceptions.  It doesn’t necessarily have to be one of my books in serialization, but it has to be actual story content. Work in the peripheral materials is separate. If I can keep that sort of pace, I’d have the equivalent of at least two novels a year. (My novels tend to hover around the 70K mark, so it’d actually be closer to three.) As I said, it’s something I’ve been meaning to do for a while, but I think I may finally have the wherewithal to commit to it. Stay tuned.

Jul 26 2014

WIP Update – 24-25 Jul 14

I’ve been inching along in Chapter 9 of Tico4. More of my time has been spent doing research into the logistics of the scenario than anything else. Yes, it’d be terribly amusing if I still got called out for getting facts wrong even after doing the research, but so it goes.  We’ll see what further progress I can make. Stay tuned.

Jul 24 2014

WIP Update – 23 Jul 14

I did a little more writing on Chapter 9 of Tico4. I was going back and forth on the venue for the second section, but I’ve decided one option makes the scenario more plausible, so I had to do some rewriting to go that route. Now maybe I can charge forward a bit, if I can scrape together the time to get any writing done, that is. Stay tuned.

Jul 22 2014

WIP Update – 21 Jul 14

I mostly finished the first section of Chapter 9 of Tico4 and got a couple paragraphs into the second. Depending on how much time I can rustle up for writing, I should finish the chapter in a day or two. Stay tuned.

Jul 19 2014

WIP Update – 18 Jul 14

I continued to work on the epilogue of Tico4 (yes, I know it seems counterintuitive to be working on the very end when I still have so much in between, but I typically work where inspiration takes me and then go back through to fill in the blanks) and also worked a little on one of the Space Arc shorts. It’s not much, but progress is progress. (I say that a lot, don’t I?) Stay tuned for more.

Jul 18 2014

WIP Update – 17 Jul 14

I made a little more progress on Xenomachos’ Chapter 5 of TTWC1 and wrote a bit on the epilogue of Tico4. Yes, you heard me right. The epilogue. There have been some recent events that inspired part of the wind-down and I wanted to get it written down before I forgot. Something I haven’t mentioned yet is that I’ve been doing work in the Tellus Arc peripheral materials all week, primarily updating some of my older genealogies to include information like dates of marriage. It’s been a long time since I last touched the family trees of the Eight Stars and I may be going back in to do some name changes to better reflect ethnic continuity among the characters. Originally I just named characters based on the meaning of the name but since I’ve further developed the analogues to Earth cultures, I should be a little more consistent. Anyway, that should do it for now. Stay tuned.