Category: Everyday Magic 3

Oct 04 2023

WIP Update – 03 Oct 23

I was able to break through my writer’s block on Chapter 17 of EM3 and made a decent bit of progress on it. All I need to do is repeat this feat two or three more times and I’ll be good to go for the weekend. Stay tuned.

Oct 02 2023

WIP Update – 02 Oct 23

Due to the time spent on getting the Sunday update together and the fact that I have work on Monday, I’ve decided to make Sunday an off day when it comes to my writing quota. That still means knocking out 3000 words a week, so I’ll be doing good if I can keep that up.

Anyway, I switched over to EM3 and as I was a bit stuck on Chapter 17, I worked on Chapter 18 instead. However, Chapter 17 needs to be done for the weekend, so I’d better get it figured out sooner rather than later. Stay tuned.

Jul 17 2023

WIP Update – 10-14 Jul 23

I did some work on Chapters 17 and 18 of EM3. Not enough to finish either, unfortunately, but work’s been a bit busy in the rush prior to summer vacation. I’m not holding my breath for big leaps and bounds in TWH in time for the update, but I’ll see what I can do. Stay tuned.

Jul 03 2023

WIP Update – 27 Jun – 01 Jul 23

I finally managed to finish Chapter 15 of TWH, as you’ve probably noticed, and while I was trying to get back into the groove for the next story writing cycles, I did some minor edits in EM3 and started in on Chapter 22 of NagaTen (as I had an idea in my head I wanted to get onto the page). I’ll be trying to finish Chapter 21 of NagaTen before the weekend now. It’ll involve breaking through a long-standing bit of writer’s block. Wish me luck. Stay tuned.

Apr 11 2023

WIP Update – 03-04, 07-08 Apr 23

I managed to finish Chapter 19 of NagaTen, as you’ve surely noticed, and also got through Chapter 20 as well, so we’ve got things lined up for three weeks from now. I’ve still got some good lead time on EM3, but I could always stand to get further along. Whether I’ll find the time or not remains to be seen. (Work has me hopping.) Stay tuned.

Mar 07 2023

WIP Update – 20, 22-23 Feb 23

This update is rather late, but I feel I should still make a point to make a note of it. I did some work on Chapter 19 of EM3 and fiddled around in the peripheral materials. As mentioned on the main page, I’m dealing with some stuff right now, but hopefully things will settle down in the next week or two and I can start driving forward. Stay tuned.

Jan 23 2023

WIP Update – 16-20 Jan 23

The week before last, all I did was some work in the peripheral materials and some edits of existing manuscripts here and there, not really enough to warrant a post. I made more tangible story progress last week, getting a fair way into Chapter 18 of EM3 and doing a bit of work on Chapters 17 and 18 as well. And now I find myself facing a chapter of TWH that needs to get finished before the weekend. Will I pull it off? Stay tuned.

Dec 05 2022

WIP Update – 21-25, 28-29 Nov 22

It would seem I forgot to make a post last week, so I’ve got two weeks of progress to get everyone caught up on. The week of Thanksgiving was actually pretty good for me as far as writing was concerned. Despite not having made much progress in a good while, I was able to get through Chapter 15 of EM3 (which was fairly short, to be honest) and then do most of Chapter 16 (which is significantly longer). Not a bad piece of work, if I say so myself, so I was confident I could bring that same energy to TWH when I switched over.

So I started off making some progress on Chapter 12 of TWH (and catching typos and such earlier in the manuscript as I was going back to cross-reference things), but work kept me hopping on Wednesday, other stuff took a big chunk of my time Thursday, and I don’t even know what happened to Friday, so by the time Saturday rolled around, I was nowhere near done with the chapter. I’ll have to sort it out later. In the meantime, keeping ahead of NagaTen is probably a good idea. Stay tuned.

Jul 20 2022

WIP Update – 11-15 Jul 22

I finished Chapter 12 of EM3 and went on to write Chapter 14 as well. I have to say I’m rather pleased with my progress, but my summer break is kicking off and we all know what free time does to my productivity. It’s one thing for stories like EM3 and NagaTen where I’ve built up a fair bit of lead time, but for TWH, I’m going to feel the pinch. Speaking of which, it’s TWH’s turn next, but I have some time on the road that might present the needed opportunity. Stay tuned.

Jun 27 2022

WIP Update – 20-24 Jun 22

I wrote Chapter 11 of EM3 and most of Chapter 12 as well. It’s time to get back to TWH. However, I’ve got most of the week off, so you know what that means for my productivity. I’ll have to at least get Chapter 9 done before Saturday. Stay tuned.