Category: Everyday Magic 3

Nov 06 2023

WIP Update – 05 Nov 23

I did half-quota’s worth of progress on Chapter 20 of EM3. I’m rather excited about this chapter as it’s proven to be the bridge I’ve needed to the final arc of the story. I’m tempted to keep working on it, but I really need to switch over to TWH. Stay tuned.

Nov 05 2023

WIP Update – 04 Nov 23

I was about to post Chapter 18 of EM3 when I realized the daggone thing wasn’t finished yet, so that ended up being my writing for the day, still under quota but one of my more productive days this week as far as wordcount is concerned. We’ll see if I get anymore written before I switch over. Stay tuned.

Nov 03 2023

WIP Update – 02 Nov 23

I managed to actually go beyond quota for a change, moving right along in Chapter 20 of EM3, but I’ve still got a long way to go to catch up on my shortfalls thus far. This was with me spending a good chunk of time in the peripheral materials to sort out the timeline of the Reclamation Project a bit. 400 years of fun to return 811 Lost Worlds into the fold of the Father of All Humanity. We’ll see how much farther I can go over the weekend. Stay tuned.

Nov 02 2023

WIP Update – 01 Nov 23

Another day of frustratingly minor progress, again with Chapter 20 of EM3. I didn’t have much time to begin with, and when I started, I got hung up on references I was making in the narration as it tied into the larger plotline of the Cross Arc and not just the local situation in the story. I of course want to be accurate to the wider lore, but that requires extra legwork, which is an extra pain when I’m short on time. Well, I’ll just have to do what I can. Stay tuned.

Nov 01 2023

WIP Update – 31 Oct 23

I jumped ahead a bit to Chapter 20 of EM3. Still ended up short due to conking out midway, but so it goes. I keep on saying I’ll catch up, but I seem to keep falling further and further behind. We’ll see how it goes. Stay tuned.

Oct 31 2023

WIP Update – 30 Oct 23

Though well under quota, I did some writing on Chapter 19 of EM3. I’ll need to make up for the shortfall so I don’t fall behind further, but I was feeling a bit stuck on how far I wanted the scene to continue before calling it a wrap. I’ll get it figured out. Stay tuned.

Oct 09 2023

WIP Update – 08 Oct 23

I only got half the day’s quota worth of progress on Chapter 18 of EM3, which is still more than nothing, which was the original plan. A certain fuzzy someone wouldn’t let me stay up longer. Anyway, it’s now time to get back to TWH. The works have been gummed up quite a bit, so I’m hoping to move things along. Stay tuned.

Oct 08 2023

WIP Update – 07 Oct 23

I made some progress on Chapter 18 of EM3. Dandy. I know I’ve said that I plan to treat Sundays as off days based on the time it takes to put together a review post, but as I don’t have work Monday, I might just squeeze a little more writing in before I head to bed. We’ll see. Stay tuned.

Oct 07 2023

WIP Update – 06 Oct 23

I managed to finish Chapter 17 of EM3, so I’m all set for the update. Yay. Maybe I can take advantage of the three-day weekend to properly plot out the last third of the story. Yes, as you may know, I’ve been writing by the seat of my pants in a lot of my more recent novels. While I have allowed for serendipity to move the plot a little in older projects once production begins, I had all the plot beats pretty well outlined beforehand. I’ve fallen out of that habit (largely due to preproduction windows narrowing from years to mere months). I keep telling myself I need to sit down and just focus on sorting things out, but I haven’t done it yet. However, the rocky production of the current three projects may just break me of this bad habit. Anyway, I’ve still got another day to give EM3 some love, so maybe I can get Chapter 18 knocked out as well. Stay tuned.

Oct 05 2023

WIP Update – 04 Oct 23

I guess I’m adapting to this new pattern of catching a few hours of sleep, doing my writing quota, then catching what sleep I can before I have to get around for work. I guess this is just how things are going to be now. Anyway, I made some more headway in Chapter 17 of EM3. I was tempted to keep going, but I have enough trouble getting through the workday as it is. Deadline’s getting ever closer, so I’m going to have to get things done soon. Stay tuned.