Ugh. This is starting to drive me crazy. I can’t get more than a couple sentences in before I’m out like a light for some two hours. Well, so it goes. One day I’ll get lucky and enjoy an unbroken spell of writing without my body shutting down on me. Anyway, a little progress was made on Chapter 22 of EM3 and maybe I can drive forward and get it finished before switching over. Stay tuned.
You might be wondering why I’m posting about Thursday’s progress on Saturday. Well, I crashed so hard Friday evening that I couldn’t even get to writing this post, much less making any further progress. Thursday wasn’t that much better. I couldn’t get all that much written on Chapter 22 of EM3 before crashing out then, too. Can I turn things around in the course of the weekend? Don’t count on it, but I’ll see what I can do. Stay tuned.
Between bouts of unconsciousness, I almost made quota working on Chapter 22 of EM3. If I could actually stay awake, I might be advancing leaps and bounds. Also, I’m getting close to wrapping up the latest round of checking papers, which should help give me a little more time for writing as well. Anything to move things along, right? Stay tuned.
Right when I was going to start writing Monday evening, the mascot insisted that I go to bed. Apparently someone told her that I had to get up earlier than usual the next morning because of our school’s entrance exams. I didn’t think I was going to fare any better yesterday when I conked out right in the middle of the evening, but I was able to get a second wind and got some writing done on Chapter 22 of EM3. Not quite meeting quota (as I conked out again), but more than what I wrote Sunday. Baby steps, I suppose. Anyway, we’ll see what I can get done from here on out. Stay tuned.
As you can see, I’ve been out of action for a while. Now, part of this wasn’t unexpected. I don’t usually manage to get any writing done when I go back to the States. (I suppose I have less excuse for not doing any writing while spending 20 hours on the road, but so it goes.) I was hit with a cold at the end of my trip and spent a good chunk of last week trying to bounce back from that while also dealing with the hustle and bustle of the new term starting. Fun, fun, fun.
Amid a whole lot of anime viewing, I managed to find some time to do some editing of Chapter 21 of EM3 and then start in on Chapter 22. It’s well short of the daily quota, but at least it’s something. The ball is rolling and I’ve just got to keep it rolling. We’ll see how it goes. Stay tuned.
I made more progress on Chapter 21 of EM3 and also wrote some on Chapter 9 of RttW. I need to be switching gears to TWWH, but I imagine I’ll be drawn back to RttW while I’m at it. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, Else Arc, EM3, Everyday Magic 3, Post-Apocalyptic, Return to the World, RttW, Welcome to the World, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Else Arc, Everyday Magic 3, Post-Apocalyptic, Return to the World, Welcome to the World, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I continued along in Chapter 21 of EM3. I believe I’m pretty close to a stopping place as I don’t want the characters to go ’round and ’round too much in their conversation. We’ll see what more I can get done over the weekend. Stay tuned.
I did a a repeat of the pattern established earlier in the week by having one day where I made minimal progress before conking out followed by another where I actually made some decent headway. This time it was with Chapter 21 of EM3. If I can get the chapter finished before the weekend’s out, I’ll have a bit of a lead that will give me a buffer in the production pipeline. If only I could do the same in TWH… Anyway, that’s all for now. More to come. Stay tuned.
I wasn’t going to mention Monday’s progress because it really wasn’t worth mentioning, but I’ll make note of it for the sake of continuity with yesterday’s work. I was rereading what I’d already written on Chapter 20 of EM3 to get me back into the mindset, but by the time I was ready to actually start writing, I didn’t even get two sentences in before conking right out. I was able to make up for this shortfall yesterday and complete the chapter. Yay.
To make Monday look slightly less bad, I’ve also been doing work in the peripheral materials for WttW. Tax law. I’m sure it’ll come up at some point in the story. You’ll see. Anyway, that’s all for now. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, Else Arc, EM3, Everyday Magic 3, Post-Apocalyptic, Welcome to the World, WIP Update, WttW
Cross Arc, Else Arc, Everyday Magic 3, Post-Apocalyptic, Welcome to the World, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I put the finishing touches on the epilogue of NagaTen before posting and now it’s done. At 41,441 words, it’s the shortest story I’ve written thus far and will probably warrant an expansion in the future. So, unless my count is off, that makes 23 books completed so far. Not too shabby if I say so myself.
I was also doing some work in the peripheral materials for WttW, which will feed into my work on RttW and such. As far as going forward with RttW as NagaTen’s follow-up is concerned, I already have more than enough written to give me a good head-start, but I need to stick to my pledge to get things properly plotted out beforehand. Work to be done. Anyway, I guess that’s it for now. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, Else Arc, Nagareboshi Tennyo, NagaTen, Post-Apocalyptic, Return to the World, RttW, Welcome to the World, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Else Arc, Nagareboshi Tennyo, Post-Apocalyptic, Return to the World, Welcome to the World, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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