Category: Cross Arc

Dec 09 2023

WIP Update – 08 Dec 23

Once again, I made a little progress on the Epilogue of NagaTen before passing out. Man, what a slog it’s been and I still have a bit left to go. I’ll have to get it done before posting the update. Stay tuned.

Dec 08 2023

WIP Update – 07 Dec 23

All I did Wednesday was make a few adjustments to the RttW stuff I wrote the day before and jot down notes about Byzantine currency… for reasons. I didn’t figure that quite warrant its own post. Anyway, I followed it up with making some progress on the epilogue of NagaTen, but I yet again passed out before finishing. Now I’m starting to get dangerously close to the deadline. I’ll feel silly if I couldn’t finish a matter of several paragraphs with week’s time, even if work has become busier as we wind things down or the calendar year. Stay turned.

Dec 06 2023

WIP Update – 05 Dec 23

I once again just inched my way through a paragraph of the epilogue of NagaTen before consciousness decided to take its leave of me. It really is dragging things out, isn’t it?

That would be the end of it, but earlier in the day, I found myself having a rather light workday and I was gripped by a sudden surge of inspiration. You see, I’m considering Return to the World as the follow-up to NagaTen and I dang near did the whole week’s quota adding to Chapters 8 and 9. I’d almost forgotten what it feels like for the words to flow so freely. I could get used to it, but the artistic temperament isn’t nearly obliging. Anyway, you can probably expect more to come on that front. Stay tuned.

Dec 05 2023

WIP Update – 04 Dec 23

So, when I finally got around to writing, I’m already on shaky ground as I work on a precious single paragraph of the epilogue of NagaTen, trying to correct an abundance of typos as my consciousness began to flicker out… only to later discover I’d pressed the Enter key long enough to add 70 pages to the manuscript. If only that was content, I wouldn’t have to worry about the wordcount.

Anyway, there’s not that much I need to write, but I do need to actually get it done. Here’s to getting more done next time. Stay tuned.

Dec 04 2023

Tara Ma, Æther Drives and Hybrids

The fact that I didn’t commit to writing the Chronicles of the Æther War series before starting on the Post-Apocalyptic and Fifth Empire Cycles takes away a bit of the mystery of the Æther War. Now when I do start on that series, it will come off more like a prequel to all these books I’ve already finished rather than the base from which everything else springs from. Anyway, given the plots of Everyday Magic 3 and Nagareboshi Tennyo, it seems like a good time to provide a somewhat comprehensive overview of the singular figure who is so pivotal to all the goings-on in the New Earth Empire from the immediate pre-Æther War era and beyond. The short “Say Hello to Mother” provides a primer for all this. Although I’m not going to reveal her true identity just yet, the entity known as Tara Ma is the source of all magic (which the Empire would call ‘Arcana’ to make it sound slightly more respectable). Tara Ma emits a unique energy that was dubbed “æther”, originally meant to be a placeholder label that ultimately stuck. This æther was later subdivided into three different types based on its effects. Alpha-type æther (also known as “neutral æther”) is the basic medium by which the Arcana operates. Much as light through a prism, it can be filtered into different elemental types, not only the classic four elements of Greek and Buddhist thought but others as well, which often results in the “element” label being dropped in favor of the more all-encompassing term “aspect”. Beta-type æther (“living æther”) acts as both a catalyst and something of a preservative for biological processes, which proves useful not only for terraforming but also as a method of juvenation and life extension therapy. Gamma-type æther (“transforming æther”) affects change in living organism, which produces the “Others” (think fantasy creatures and whatnot) which are better optimized to process æther. One key aspect of æther is that it can only be generated and processed by organic matter, specifically living organisms, though some inorganic matter can serve as conduits and receptacles of æther energy.

Tara Ma’s æther emissions only had an effective range of about 25,000km, which meant that access to the Arcana was limited to close proximity to Tara Ma. The objective was then to expand this range. Attempts were made to artificially generate æther to no effect, so attention then turned to duplicating Tara Ma herself. Although there were some experiments with breeding Tara Ma, the more effective strategy was mass cloning. They could not match the output of the original, but they were not subject to the same temperamental fluctuations in power either. These clones became the core of the Æther Drives that were used not only to power warships, starbases and the like but also to serve as the Core Units of offworld colonies, dramatically accelerating the process of terraforming worlds. How dramatically? Think along the lines of the Genesis Device in Star Trek. A process that would normally take over a hundred years could be completed in under a decade. This was a massive boon to the Empire’s expansion as it jockeyed with the Martian Alliance and the Jovian Federation for supremacy in the galaxy.

The Skyfall Calamity brought an end to the Empire’s Æther Drive-fueled dominance. Tara Ma fully broke free of her induced state of dormancy and summoned her far-flung “daughters” throughout the Empire to her. Planetary Core Units could not answer the call to Reunion and they along with any other Æther Drives that were prevented from returning to Tara Ma were put to sleep by Tara Ma herself. This devastated worlds reliant on the Core Units with events such as the Cataclysm on Altamira, the Days of Fire and Forgetting on Bellator and so on. These disasters manifested themselves in different ways, showing signs of variance among the different Core Units. The Core Units that went dormant largely continued to passively maintain the ecosystems they helped create and emit æther. Vague memories of them would persist in various myths, such as the Maid of Life of Miravel and the extinct cult of the Earth Mother on Bellator.

While hundreds of Lost Worlds were dealing with the collapse of civilization, the Empire collapsed into in-fighting as various factions vied to claim the throne. Once the situation stabilized and the Empire was in a position to reassert itself, work was already well underway to salvage the Æther Drive concept while reducing the risk of another incident like the Skyfall Calamity. The basis for the Hybrids featured in such stories as NagaTen and EM3 are the Alpha Type, a modified version of the Generation 1 clones of Tara Ma with some genetic modifications to reduce receptivity to Tara Ma herself with minimal interference to æther emissions, though they are not intended for active deployment but rather as a source for genetic material to produce other Hybrids to complement the limited stock of available tissue samples from Tara Ma herself. The Beta Type only has 50% of the genetic material of Tara Ma and an equivalent potential relative to the Alpha Type. Because of the perceived danger they represent, they are typically kept under containment and are only used as relays in the “Æthernet” that connects all Hybrids and allows for superdimensional communication. The Gamma Type has a 25% portion of Tara Ma genetic material and is often the “big gun” of deployed Hybrids, as seen with Major Yang in NagaTen. The Delta Types, at 12.5%, are the most powerful Hybrids typically deployed, while the Epsilon Types at 6.25% are seen as more of the standard-issue Hybrid. While a Zeta Type (3.125%) classification exists, they do not typically have much advantage over mid-level Arcanists and are not generally produced (though their reliable manifestation of Arcana potential makes the concept serve as a sort of emergency reserve should doctrine shift to favor mass deployment of Arcanists). At the level of the Eta Type (1.5625%), the manifestation of Arcana potential becomes uncertain, as does the ability to connect to the “Æthernet”, so experiments at further dilution of Tara Ma’s genetic material were abandoned.

While the above represents the mainline development of Tara Ma Hybrids, there are many other types of experimentation, which you will see in such stories as Candidate 03 and Seasons’ Seasons. Among the objectives of these various projects are increased output, greater stability, and risk reduction. Results are varied, but none of these projects have seen the same widespread adoption as the mainline Hybrids. Of course, issues with the Hybrids in the mid-8th Century, as demonstrated in NagaTen and EM3, would at least temporarily put an end to the activities of the Hybrids as we know them. Action yields reaction and the risk of a second Skyfall Calamity sufficiently spooks the higher-ups. The lure of Tara Ma’s power is too great to abandon, so we don’t see a total purge, but the Hybrids do find themselves put on ice for a good long while.

I could delve deeper into the details, but I think this is more than enough for one post. I may cover certain points in greater detail later if the mood strikes me. For now, we’ll leave things here and let the rest of EM3 and NagaTen play out. Stay tuned.


If you were wondering if the æther produced by Tara Ma functions differently from æther as described in the Tellus Arc, the answer is no. It’s no coincidence either as the Cross Arc is so named because it was intended as a cross of elements from the Tellus Arc and the Space Arc. What I’ve talked about here actually spoils some elements of stories I haven’t brought into production yet, but you won’t have the full context until those stories are released (unless I decide to just go ahead and talk about it here on the blog prior to their release). You might be wondering if it’s too convenient that the æther label just happens to refer to the same thing, but that isn’t the case. The same thought process is at work even if the people involved are separated by thousands of years. Admittedly, the Imperial scientists who initially used the “æther” label were doing so out of a bit of poetic whimsy, but tapping into the stuff of myths works out when those myths become reality.

Nov 28 2023

WIP Update – 27 Nov 23

I did some work on Chapter 20 of EM3 and on Chapter 17 of TWH. I have to get the latter finished for this weekend, so that’s obviously where I need to focus, but I really wanted to work on the former. Between my energy levels and what the mascot will allow, we’ll see what I can get done. Stay tuned.

Nov 26 2023

WIP Update – 25 Nov 23

I put the finishing touches on Chapter 19 of EM3 and started to do some work on Chapter 20 before conking out. I really need to get back to meeting quota. Between my resident productivity specialist and my work schedule, it hasn’t been easy, but I was able to pull it off for a bit there, so I just need to get back to it somehow. Stay tuned.

Nov 25 2023

WIP Update – 24 Nov 23

Yes, I didn’t get any writing done Thursday, but between the Character Spotlight post and some genuinely decent progress on Chapter 19 of EM3, I feel I managed to make up for it. I’ve got the chapter pretty well finished, so I just need to go over it and it should be ready to go. If all goes well, I can get Chapter 20 done as well before the weekend’s out. Stay tuned.

Nov 24 2023

Character Spotlight: Sturla Yinglisson

Sturla gets his origin in the same dream that served at the basis for Chapter 1 of CeleKing2. It gave me his basic settings as a superficial charmer and clever manipulator whose overwhelming confidence was backed by genuine skill. For his appearance, I draw inspiration from Prince Zorzal of the anime GATE, but the resemblance ends there. Now, I can’t remember if it was a sleeping dream or a daydream that gave me Yasuko’s confrontation with Sturla at the end of CeleKing2, but this gave me a midpoint in the overall narrative and so I had to fill in the blanks.

Let’s start with his personal history. He’s the son of Lord Grima Markusson and Princess Yingli, the elder sister of Crown Prince Wupeng. As his mother has a higher status than his father, he uses her name, though she wasn’t much of an influence on his life. While his father was an effective politician, it’s not enough to explain how Sturla turned out the way he did. He had looks, physical prowess, a keen intellect, and the utter ruthlessness to achieve his goals. It was at a young age that he set his sights on the throne and began laying the groundwork right away. He began making contacts both in the public sphere and in the underworld, which served him well when he worked his way into the ranks of the Capital Police. His position in the Capital Police afforded him full access to the apparatus of the surveillance state, which allowed him to not only cover his own tracks but also to build up plenty of blackmail material to wrap the nobility around his little finger. Everything was coming together nicely when a convenient pawn presented herself. Yasuko’s infiltration of the Capital provided him an opportunity to move his timetable forward. Although she proved to be difficult to handle, she did ultimately pave his way to the throne. From there, he was going to smash the Empire’s stasis, subdue the surface and then expand beyond Erdi. Of course, the stasis existed because the founders of the Empire were trying to escape the notice of the New Earth Empire and keep both the Celestials and Infernals occupied, so if the New Earth Empire hadn’t shown up when it did, it would’ve just been a matter of time.

I brought up the themes of sexuality during my coverage of Yasuko and Sturla factored heavily into that. With Sturla I was looking to portray animal magnetism and unrestrained hedonism. He cares only about satisfying his own lusts but he doesn’t let them rule over him. He denies himself no pleasure except when it will interfere with the greater pleasure of fulfilling his ambitions. This mix of indulgence and self-control makes for an intriguing dichotomy. As we primarily see this in his relationship with Yasuko, we’ll talk more about it there.

Let’s look at a few of the major relationships in Sturla’s life and what they show us about his character.

1. We see the most of Sturla through his interactions with Yasuko. From the moment she infiltrated the Capital, she caught his interest. A wild Infernal in the Capital certainly would. He kept a close eye on her, so that when she was invited to entertain the Emperor, he was prepared to respond when she killed him. Likely even if she hadn’t done the job herself, he would’ve stepped in and things would proceed much the same way, though he probably wouldn’t have had as much confidence to turn her into an assassin. Anyway, the more he got to know Yasuko, the more he became fixated on her. Her resistance to his will, her relative prudishness when it came to sex, these drew him to her all the more strongly. He wanted to break her, make her yield to him, though if she actually had given into him, he would have quickly tired of her. His decision to cut her loose after the assassination of Prince Wusheng was an example of him denying smaller pleasures for the sake of his ambition. However, once he found out Yasuko managed to survive, his obsession with her became all the stronger, likely tying into his downfall. My father always warns villains not to play with their food, and this is another example of why he says that.

2. Compared to her daughter, Masako didn’t nearly manage to capture Sturla’s interest. Theirs was a wholly political arrangement. Sturla, like Masako, was the child of an Imperial princess married to a lord of minority descent and so was in a poor position for his ambitions. Marrying into a comital house wouldn’t normally be the most advantageous pairing, but House Suzuki enjoyed residual prestige carrying over from Lord Kunihiko, and the connection to Princess Feifang was also beneficial. Once Masako delivered a legitimate heir for him, she had served her purpose. He only did a little experimentation with exploring her boundaries but did not find much promise, so he didn’t make her a project like he was doing with Yasuko. As a result, their relationship is distant and impersonal, like so many political marriages. Perhaps if he didn’t have so many alternative outlets, Masako would have had to put up with more from him, so his inattentiveness after Snorri’s birth was surely a blessing.

3. Sturla was always looking to test his boundaries in all fronts, and on the martial front, who better than one of the most celebrated swordsmen of the Imperial Guard? That would be enough, but the fact that Batista is the first husband of his wife, it brings out the sadistic side of him. Sturla knew he could use Batista’s pride and jealousy against him, but to Batista’s credit, his commitment to his duty reined him in. The fact that Sturla was busy at work corrupting Batista’s daughter added to the interest he took in the swordmaster. You might think the honors Sturla heaped on Batista were insincere, but there was genuine respect there, even if Batista was seen as a pawn, just as Sturla saw everyone around him. Still, that sadistic side of Sturla was definitely at work when he pitted Batista against Yasuko, so it was fitting that it got turned against him in the end.

I’ve said on other occasions that I enjoy writing villains and Sturla was definitely fun to write, especially when he was bantering with Yasuko. I almost wish I could’ve seen what might’ve happened if he had a little more time to pursue his grander ambitions. I consider him one of my more stand-out villains and I hope the readers agree. And with that, I don’t know who I’ll cover next, but I may do a different kind of commentary post next time instead of a Character Spotlight. Stay tuned.

Nov 23 2023

WIP Update – 22 Nov 23

Though still well under quota, I did make a little more progress on Chapter 19 of EM3. I’m stuck on how to end it, but I suppose I’ve got a whole day to figure it out. Until then. Stay tuned.