WIP Update – 04 Feb 25
After all that fiddling around in the peripheral materials, it ended up taking all of two sentences to finish Chapter 23 of TWH. To be fair, I needed a better idea of the population to get more plausible numbers. For instance, I was considering modeling Hecate’s Palace Guard after the Praetorian Guard, which was said to be nine cohorts under Augustus, of which three were kept in Rome at a time. However, the population of Rome at that time was around 1.25 million and Gottestag is no Rome. Generally speaking, human populations on Tellus are considerably smaller than human from the equivalent time period anyway, and I figure the population of Gottestag at this time would be around 60K (still the most populous city in the Allied Kingdoms). I then cross-referenced police per capita ratios to make an estimate for the number of the City Guard, and from there make an estimate for the Palace Guard, which would naturally be smaller. A lot of work for those two sentences.
After that, I did some work on Chapter 24, which I might actually be able to finish before the week is out. If I can build up some lead time, I might actually get on track to finish things out on schedule (relatively speaking). Stay tuned.