WIP Update – 05 Dec 24
I made some progress on Chapter 10 of RttW and did some work in the peripheral materials, settling on the XP scale and adding some items to the list, namely accessories to gauge things like HP, MP, and XP. You see, in the time period the main story is set, Players are issued magical devices called “Player Slates” that are magic tablets similar to the Sheikah Stone in Breath of the Wild, but you can’t be looking at your Slate while in active combat and there’s no magic HUD to display for your convenience, so there needs to be another solution. I might do a commentary post at some point to explain how the gamey aspects of the World are handled to give it a little more verisimilitude than just having holographic popups like you see in a lot of game-world stories. Anyway, I’ve still got a fair bit of work to do before the chapter’s ready to go, so I need to focus on that. Stay tuned.