WIP Update – 26 Mar 25
I didn’t get any story writing done, nor did I slot in those two or three chapters I was brainstorming, but in the process of the latter, I was thinking about the religious demographics of the world, which prompted me to start working on a census. I’m looking at the map here and if I just counted correctly, there are 74 nations in the world (plus two unincorporated island chains), so I drew up their populations and then started to break down the numbers by religious affiliation. Most of the religions on Korush V are crypto versions of Earth religions that have changed over the centuries of isolation, but there are some newer ones as well (or new takes on old faiths). There are some isolated old holdouts of the old orthodoxy, but they get lumped in the “other” label due to their extreme minority status. I still have a good ways to go. I’m off for the next week, so hopefully I can make some good progress. Once I finish this task, I intend to get those chapters figured out and then get a little more writing done. Stay tuned.