WIP Update – 24 Mar 25
I started out the day doing some work in the WttW peripheral materials, to no one’s surprise. I have this list of medieval professions, and I was going down the line looking for jobs that weren’t covered by the current Trade Guilds and when I got to the job of bureller, a weaver of burel cloth (also known as bure, bura and a good dozen other variants), I decided to add burel (a kind of cheap, thick, coarse wool) to the list of textiles and made a selection of clothes made from burel, which I dubbed the Peasant’s Winter Line. Like the nettlecloth and hemp stuff I made the other day, it’s easier to craft and cheaper than the regular stuff at the cost of being slightly worse than regular woolen garments (the idea being that the burel isn’t woven as tightly and so it isn’t as efficient at keeping you warm despite its heavier weight). It’s a cheap way to stay warm in the winter, so it’s something for the Adventurer on a budget to consider.
Going back to the original goal, I now have ten so-called limited Guilds. More may get added in the future, but I think that’s enough for now. I still have do that work chronicling all the twists and turns of the Guilds’ history. Right now all I have is the Silversmiths splitting off from the Goldsmiths, taking advantage of gold currency being withdrawn from circulation during the reign of Raibeart I. (Cue conspiracy theories of a golden hand being behind Raibeart’s assassination.)
Before I got to writing on CoP proper, I was going through the timeline of the story and adjusting travel times and distances based on the events that happen in the story. In the course of doing so, I ended up expanding the story quite a bit, adding ten whole chapters as you’ll see reflected on the site. Honestly, there’s a pretty big gap in time between the current Chapters 16 and 17 (58 days) that I’m probably going to want to fill with another two or three chapters, but we’ll let that percolate a bit.
I closed out the day by writing a bit on Chapter 4 of CoP. I would’ve liked to have done more, but the hour was growing late and beddy-bye time did await. With some concerted effort, I may well finish the chapter tomorrow, but we’ll see. Stay tuned.