WIP Update – 20 Mar 25
It turns out that my ambitions were grossly unrealistic. You know the bit about manga reviews? Well, a lot of it has been sitting untouched for two or three years. Yes, I still remember the broad strokes of what happened, but to write a meaningful review, I’m really going to have to reread all of it. That’s a pretty tall order and I ended up napping away most of my daylight anyway. We’ll try again during my off-time starting next week. I can guarantee there won’t be any ten reviews written in a day even if I did nothing but focus on that.
Of course, my focus is in other places. I did more work in the WttW peripheral materials as you’d expect. I got the basic format for the lunar cycles down. I just have to fill out 700 years’ worth. Whee fun. While I was at it, I decided to add a mechanic where the times of day and the seasons also affect certain kinds of magic. This is going to make spell calculations so much fun. -_-
To close things out, I started to detail how Summoning works. Most spellcasting is fairly straightforward, but there’s a little extra work involved if you’re a Summoner. You see, first you have to collect souls in Soul Gems in order to summon Spirits. It’s a bit of a Pokemon mechanic, only with a chance of failure added in for extra fun. Here’s a hint: invest in quality Soul Gems. The real fun bit is that you learn Summon Spirit before you learn Capture Soul, but fear not, gentle Player. It’s possible to get pre-loaded Soul Gems. (In fact, it’s not a bad way to earn cash as a Summoner. Go out and farm mobs for a safe, steady income or try harvesting the really difficult ones for the big bucks.)
I’m going to be working more on all this stuff, but I want to do some more writing on TWH as well, so let’s see what I can get done. Stay tuned.