WIP Update – 18 Jan 25
I powered my way through Chapter 1 of CoP as promised, and while I was letting it sit before reviewing and posting it, I picked up Colony Flipper and worked on it a bit. I was also doing a fair bit of work in peripheral materials, setting up the educational backgrounds of the younger Protectors.
Because the Kingdom of Murabit is inspired by Morocco, it has a French-style education system with six years primary and six years secondary education (divided into upper and lower halves). While doing their training, Protector Candidates take enough equivalent general education coursework to get their certif (certificat d’études primaires) and satisfy the Kingdom’s compulsory education requirement, but also cover secondary education up to Year 12 so that they can get their baccalauréat, but it’s fairly rare for them to go on to university, which would have to happen after induction into the Protectors proper or if they transfer into the Auxiliary. Three of the younger Candidates–Rio, Kirik and Eiri–were held back so they could be placed in the same class as Ellis (the Child of Promise, who we’ll be properly introduced to in Chapter 2), while the young precog Soren skipped grades to be placed in the same class. While Rio is Ellis’ personal bodyguard, he has three other Protectors in the near vicinity at school and often two or three more maintaining surveillance at more of a distance. Originally I was going to let the character progress in school at a normal rate, but I decided it was more in line with the Protectors’ thinking to have additional coverage in the classroom rather than have the other Protectors distributed in other parts of the school where it would take them longer to respond in the event of an emergency.
Anyway, if I can find the time, I may do a little more work on either CoP or Colony Flipper before switching over to RttW o Monday. Stay tuned.