Jan 30 2025

WIP Update – 30 Jan 25

It turned out that I didn’t need to change as many references in previous chapters as I thought. In fact, I only needed to shorten Gunrok’s forced march to Grau from four days to two, as Grau didn’t end up to be all that far from Milon after the recalculation. However, I did have to move Chapter 20 to Chapter 18 and then push up Chapters 18 and 19 to 19 and 20. You see, after the recalculation, Lys’ party crosses into Gotland the day before Lord Shahazz’in decides to go probing around in poor Prince Rickardt’s noggin. The effect of Sir Burkhardt’s moment touching his native soil for the first time in years would’ve lost a lot of it’s impact if they’d already been in Gotland for a day or two.

How about Chapter 23? Well, I ended up getting distracted by working out Gotland’s units of measure that I didn’t actually make much headway, but now the path should be clear and hopefully I can power through. Stay tuned.

Jan 29 2025

WIP Update – 29 Jan 25

I inched along a bit more in Chapter 23 of TWH, but progress was gummed up when I needed better information on where everyone was, which led to me recalculating all the distances travelled and the time it took to cover those distances. To get everything to line up, I had to push the final battle back eight days. Now I need to go back and adjust all the time references, so that’ll be fun, but once I’m done with that, I should be able to sally forth at a decent clip and get the daggone chapter done. Stay tuned.

Jan 28 2025

WIP Update – 28 Jan 25

Between work keeping me hopping and being wiped out by the time I get home, I haven’t made much progress. I think I managed to write about two sentences on Chapter 23 of TWH before conking out. In the process of getting to those two sentences, I ended up naming all the territories in the Principality of Bascon and while I was doing that, I realized that I hadn’t labelled the territories in Lothria in my map of the Allied Kingdoms to match up to my key, so I worked on that. It would’ve been vastly easier when I was making the key way back when, as I had to kinda back-engineer to figure out what was what. All sorts of fun, but it doesn’t get me too far ahead in the story itself. Hopefully I can turn things around and drive through to the end. Stay tuned.

Jan 26 2025

WIP Update – 25 Jan 25

The plan was to get Chapter 10 of RttW done in the morning, let it sit for a few hours, then go back over it before posting. It didn’t quite work out that way because I was getting distracted by adding stuff to the peripheral materials, like separate mail sleeves as a medium-level alternative to the plate arm armor set. Anyway, I did get the chapter done in the afternoon and prepped and ready to go in the evening… only to discover that it wasn’t Chapter 10’s turn yet. It was Chapter 9’s turn, so I had to go back and prep it instead. This is why you check things first, not that it hurts to have the next chapter already ready. Maybe I can stay ahead of the game and avoid the sort of delays we’ve seen with TWH and that CoP has been dealing with right out of the gate. More work on the peripheral materials followed after the update. I really should sort out the ability list, but that means squaring away over 400 abilities. Whee fun. Well, complexity addiction is what gave birth to this series, so I’m stuck with it to the bitter end. If I can, I may squeeze in a little more WttW-related work before switching over to TWH for next week. Stay tuned.

Jan 25 2025

WIP Update – 24 Jan 25

Yesterday was a 12-hour monster that didn’t leave me with a lot of time for writing, but I managed to squeeze in a bit of work on Chapter 10 of RttW. Unsurprisingly, when I figured I’d make more progress in the evening, I passed right out. I would decide to try to finish the chapter the following morning. If you’ve been paying attention to the main site, you know how this story goes, but for the sake of narrative continuity, we’ll save that for the next entry. Stay tuned.

Jan 24 2025

WIP Update – 23 Jan 25

I worked more on Chapter 10 of RttW. Due to work stuff going on, I’m a little dubious about making my deadline, but I’m going to try to make the magic happen. I may end up doing like I did last week where I get the chapter finished Saturday morning and then post it in the evening. We’ll see. Stay tuned.

Jan 23 2025

WIP Update – 22 Jan 25

Although I had plenty of work-work to keep me occupied, I did make a little more progress on Chapter 10 of RttW. I don’t think I’ll actually stretch out the chapter too much, so it’s mostly just me filling in narration for the dialog I’ve already written. At this rate, I expect to finish the chapter in time for the weekend, so I just need to buckle down and finish it. Stay tuned.

Jan 21 2025

WIP Update – 21 Jan 25

Despite conking out for most of the evening (and having done the same the night before), I pushed myself to at least do a little work on Chapter 10 of RttW or else I might not get anything done this week. I’ll be glad to have these entrance exams in the rearview mirror. Anyway, I’ll see what I can do to move things along. Stay tuned.

Jan 19 2025

WIP Update – 18 Jan 25

I powered my way through Chapter 1 of CoP as promised, and while I was letting it sit before reviewing and posting it, I picked up Colony Flipper and worked on it a bit. I was also doing a fair bit of work in peripheral materials, setting up the educational backgrounds of the younger Protectors.

Because the Kingdom of Murabit is inspired by Morocco, it has a French-style education system with six years primary and six years secondary education (divided into upper and lower halves). While doing their training, Protector Candidates take enough equivalent general education coursework to get their certif (certificat d’études primaires) and satisfy the Kingdom’s compulsory education requirement, but also cover secondary education up to Year 12 so that they can get their baccalauréat, but it’s fairly rare for them to go on to university, which would have to happen after induction into the Protectors proper or if they transfer into the Auxiliary. Three of the younger Candidates–Rio, Kirik and Eiri–were held back so they could be placed in the same class as Ellis (the Child of Promise, who we’ll be properly introduced to in Chapter 2), while the young precog Soren skipped grades to be placed in the same class. While Rio is Ellis’ personal bodyguard, he has three other Protectors in the near vicinity at school and often two or three more maintaining surveillance at more of a distance. Originally I was going to let the character progress in school at a normal rate, but I decided it was more in line with the Protectors’ thinking to have additional coverage in the classroom rather than have the other Protectors distributed in other parts of the school where it would take them longer to respond in the event of an emergency.

Anyway, if I can find the time, I may do a little more work on either CoP or Colony Flipper before switching over to RttW o Monday. Stay tuned.

Jan 18 2025

WIP Update – 17 Jan 25

I devoted most of my available time in the morning to writing on Chapter 1 of CoP and got through the second section. I intended to make my way through the third section in the evening, but I was overcome by a maelstrom of variable consciousness, so no further progress was made. I usually like to let a manuscript sit for at least a day before putting it up, so I’ll either push the update schedule back a day or just try to get the chapter out as I finish it. We’ll see. Stay tuned.