WIP Update – 08 Dec 24
Again, no story progress but extensive work in the WttW peripheral materials. Besides some additional tweaks to the weights and measures, I added a new mechanic. While Charisma is a base stat in DnD, it isn’t in the game system I created for the World. However, I decided that the concept of Charisma was useful for a number of things, so I decided to create it as a special stat outside the base stats. With the base stats (Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Spirit, Dexterity and Speed), you get a default spread based on your starting Job, plus ten points to distribute as you will. With Charisma, you get a randomly generated value between 1 and 100, plus a ten-point bonus for being an Adventurer (a game mechanic way of representing the inherent respect the People of the World have for Adventurers). You gain a point of Charisma for each character level and you can also gain a point of Charisma for the equivalent of a character level by performing successful Charisma Checks (1XP for a successful Charisma Check). Speaking of Charisma Checks, these are actions like Charm, Bluff (Lie), Tame/Subdue, and Lead that rely on Charisma for the calculations.
Now, I said that initial Charisma scores were randomly generated and I meant it. So I went down the list of characters and ran the random number generator and it was funny how things worked out. With the bonus applied, Pawel’s initial score was 80 and Zofiya’s 83 (while poor Jun was 31) and among the kids, Fedor is a whopping 98, Zsuzsanna a respectable 59, and Arjun a measly 19. This was entirely random and it just happened to work out with what I envisioned for the characters. The same held for the others. I would’ve liked Ramachandra’s initial value to be higher than the 64 he got, but the idea of him working hard to get to where he was actually works pretty well when I think about it. Anyway, it’s neat how things work out.
I need to focus on making actual story progress in the days to come, but I do want to continue to flesh out these mechanics. Also, pockets. I’ve decided that certain clothing should have their own storage slots, so I need to go through the list and account for that. Fun to come. Stay tuned.