WIP Update – 04 Dec 24
I only managed to get a line or so written in Chapter 10 of RttW as I was mostly working on the site. I also started trying to figure out the XP requirements for levelling. The idea is to not make the requirements too steep or too shallow to maintain a reasonable timeline for advancement. The XP yields for mobs are already rather low, which gets reduced further when divided among party members. If you’re industrious enough, you should be able to advance at a decent clip, but I need to make sure the math works out because I’m being so autistic with the details of the system instead of just glossing over the details.
Here’s an example of the rate of progress for an active Adventurer that I use as a baseline:
Lvl 10 – 6 months
Lvl 20 – 1.5 years [1 year]
Lvl 30 – 2.5 years [1 year]
Lvl 40 – 5 years [2.5 years]
Lvl 50 – 8 years [3 years]
Lvl 60 – 12 years [4 years]
Lvl 70 – 16 years [4 years]
Lvl 80 – 20 years [4 years]
As I said, the trick is to make the numbers work, which requires a bit of wizardry. God help me if I feel compelled to track every encounter and quest for every Adventurer character. If I’m not considered certifiable now, I will be by the time the series is done. (For the sake of what shreds of sanity I have left, I may want to dial things back a bit, but I don’t know if I will.) With that happy thought, I need to get some actual writing done so I can meet my deadline. Stay tuned.