Nov 22 2024

WIP Update – 21 Nov 24

Things really weren’t looking good for me this week, with me not having any time for writing at the office and being too exhausted by the time I got home, but I pledged to finish Chapter 21 of TWH today and I was up until dawn to get it done (and that was after spending much of the day out Christmas shopping). It’s finally done and the finished product is quite the chonker of a chapter, clocking in around 8500 words. Only Chapter 11 is longer (and not by much). I generally consider 10K to be the upper limit for a chapter, but I can’t break chapters quite as easily as some other stories as this one follows a strict pattern of shifting POV characters each time with usually several days having passed from one chapter to the next. (Most of my books shift POV from one chapter to the next, but the pattern isn’t always so strictly enforced.) Anyway, this six-month odyssey is finally over, so here’s to it not taking that long to finish Chapter 22. Stay tuned.

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