Nov 30 2024

WIP Update – 29 Nov 24

I finished the prologue of CoP, as there didn’t end up being much more I needed to write to make a decent enough conclusion. Double-checking the calendar work I did yesterday, I found some errors I had to correct, which proved to be quite a pain as a single error cascades down the whole daggone timeline. I then stared at the page mightily thinking about starting Chapter 1 before deciding to pack it in for the evening. I’ll try to make some actual progress tomorrow. Stay tuned.

Nov 29 2024

WIP Update – 28 Nov 24

I didn’t actually make any story progress. You see, I decided to age down a bunch of characters and I needed to adjust the timeline in the peripheral materials accordingly. Because I need to accurately follow certain dates, I started to build up the Korushi Calendar. For reference, on Korush, the world where the story takes place, the year is 354 days with three different cycles for calculating leap years as part of a larger 120-year cycle. This extra complication is baked in for astronomical purposes, but it’s a fine pain for me to sort through. I made calendars for about 20 years to get me started and made the assorted adjustments that needed to be made. Loads of fun, but perhaps not so interesting to the average audience member and certainly not something that gets the prologue done for Saturday. Well, there’s another day ahead and maybe I can still make it happen. Stay tuned.

Nov 28 2024

WIP Update – 27 Nov 24

I made a little more progress on the prologue of CoP, but not as much as I would’ve liked as I was having to work out some of the logistics and then once I got back to the ranchero, I ended up conking out for most of the evening. We’ll see if I can’t turn things around. Stay tuned.

Nov 27 2024

WIP Update – 26 Nov 24

I made some decent progress on the prologue of CoP. If I can keep up this momentum, I should have no trouble getting it ready for the weekend. If I can push on ahead and get a bit of a lead, that would be even better. Let’s see if we can get it done. Stay tuned.

Nov 22 2024

WIP Update – 21 Nov 24

Things really weren’t looking good for me this week, with me not having any time for writing at the office and being too exhausted by the time I got home, but I pledged to finish Chapter 21 of TWH today and I was up until dawn to get it done (and that was after spending much of the day out Christmas shopping). It’s finally done and the finished product is quite the chonker of a chapter, clocking in around 8500 words. Only Chapter 11 is longer (and not by much). I generally consider 10K to be the upper limit for a chapter, but I can’t break chapters quite as easily as some other stories as this one follows a strict pattern of shifting POV characters each time with usually several days having passed from one chapter to the next. (Most of my books shift POV from one chapter to the next, but the pattern isn’t always so strictly enforced.) Anyway, this six-month odyssey is finally over, so here’s to it not taking that long to finish Chapter 22. Stay tuned.

Nov 20 2024

WIP Update – 19 Nov 24

So yesterday I conked right out the moment I was about the start writing and today wasn’t much better with me not even finishing a paragraph on Chapter 21 of TWH. It’s not looking great so far, but I have Friday off and may have to just clamp down to get myself over the line. We’ll see how it goes. Stay tuned.

Nov 18 2024

WIP Update – 17 Nov 24

I went to the Book Off back on Thursday and was browsing some manga and a bit of inspiration started stirring in my brain. After percolating a couple days, I had to jot down the exchange I had brainstormed. Yes, I have other things that should be afforded a higher priority, but you know how creative whimsy can be. If this idea gets developed further, it’s going to go into the Else Arc, possibly bundled into this little continuity I’m developing based on an alternative game system I developed when I thought the system for the WttW series was getting too complicated. Anyway, I’m already enjoying the dynamic with the main characters. We’ll see what comes of it. Stay tuned.

Nov 17 2024

WIP Update – 16 Nov 24

I was really hoping to finish Chapter 21 of TWH today, but it didn’t happen. Now, I know you’ve been hearing excuses like this for the past six months, so I’m not going to go on too long about it, but I am almost done. There’s an action set piece and if you’ve been following my process for a while now, you know that it takes me extra time to get the choreography down. In light of the current situation, I’ll just go ahead and post reviews tomorrow and try again next weekend. Surely I should have it done by then and maybe even finish the less intensive Chapter 22 while I’m at it. Stay tuned.

Nov 16 2024

WIP Update – 15 Nov 24

I had some unexpected paperwork eating my free time in the office, so I didn’t get as much writing done as I would’ve liked. I was really hoping to finish Chapter 21 of TWH today, and I did make further headway in the face of the mascot’s relentless insistence that I go to bed. I’m going to see if I can’t finish it tomorrow for a Sunday release and then push the reviews to Monday. We’ll see how it shakes out. Stay tuned.

Nov 15 2024

WIP Update – 14 Nov 24

I’m moving right along in Chapter 21 of TWH and if I can maintain this pace, another solid day of work should do the trick and I’ll be able to make my deadline. I had to go back and look it up, but, holy moly, Chapter 20 was posted way back in May. Man, the delays have been awful. Not quite Tico1 levels of bad (or poor TCotSL which has been left untouched for years), but the situation is pretty un-frickin’-sat if you’ll pardon my saying so. Anyway, maybe once I get this out the chute, I can get through the last several chapters at a better clip. One can only hope. Stay tuned.