Sep 20 2024

WIP Update – 19 Sep 24

I made some respectable progress on Chapter 21 of TWH, mainly because I didn’t do any work-work, but, hey, it’s bunkasai. I doubt I’ll finish the chapter in time for the weekend, but at least I’m moving forward. That’s something. We’ll see how much more I can get done. Stay tuned.

Sep 19 2024

WIP Update – 18 Sep 24

I’m continuing to inch along in Chapter 21 of TWH. Can I finish the chapter before the weekend? I doubt it, but maybe I’ll surprise everyone, myself first of all. Stay tuned.

Sep 18 2024

WIP Update – 17 Sep 24

I made a little progress on Chapter 21 of TWH. Managed to plug some holes in a scene and have things set up to go forward. I’ve got some grading to do and minding of the kiddos, but I hope to make more progress as the week goes on. Stay tuned.

Sep 08 2024

WIP Update – 07 Sep 24

Although literally all I did was write a single sentence, it officially marks the completion of EM3, so I felt that was enough to warrant a post. The current wordcount stands at 52,352, which is well short of the general 75-100K goal, but so long as I continue to be a web novelist, I don’t really need to worry about it that much. Also, if I intend to go for traditional publication, I’ll be attempting it here in Japan, where the rules are different. In fact, were my books to get published as light novels, the longer ones would probably get broken up into two or even three parts. Of course, I actually have to work on getting things translated and polished up to standard first. That’s a concern for another time, though. A more pressing concern is getting something to take EM3’s slot in six weeks. One of many things rolling around in my noggin at the moment. I’ll try not to leave you all waiting so long for my next post. Stay tuned.

Sep 07 2024

WIP Update – 06 Sep 24

Although I haven’t accomplished much, it’s been so long that I really felt that I ought to check in. Technically, I did a little bit of work on Chapter 21 of TWH last Friday, but I didn’t think it was enough to warrant a mention, but I did a little more poking on it and some revisions to the epilogue of EM3. Regarding the latter, I still feel I need a couple more lines to properly close things out. I’ve been rather busy with the start of the new term and haven’t had the time to focus on writing. There’s still quite a bit of work piled up and it’ll take me at least another week until things start to settle down a bit. I’ll try to get some content here with a little more frequency, but I won’t make any promises just yet. Stay tuned.