Aug 03 2024

The Road to Reconstruction – Day 73

As you saw on the main page, I managed to finish my work restoring the reviews. If my count is correct, with the ones I’ve been adding since the reconstruction work began, we have a total of 2285 reviews. Remember when I thought I’d be done by Easter? Good times. Anyway, this is one big step out of the way, and now I can turn my attention to the really difficult part: fighting with Drupal to get the site to look the way I want.

The biggest issue I have at the moment is that the way Drupal sets up its themes, it’s very difficult to make little edits and additions. There appears to be layers of redundancy you have to account for and a general opacity to how things work. Overall, I’m fairly happy with the theme I’ve been using, but there are a number of tweaks I want to make and if it’s going to fight me too much on it, I may have to take the long route of building things from the ground up. I’m not exactly eager to do this, but it may be the most efficient course if I want things to look exactly a certain way. Anyway, this is a concern for the days, weeks and months to come. Oh, what joy. In the meantime, maybe I should give the much neglected TWH some love. Stay tuned.

Aug 02 2024

The Road to Reconstruction – Day 72

I finished Page 20 of the movie section and started on Page 21. I might’ve made it farther, but I discovered some errors I needed to correct, so that chewed up a decent chunk of my time. I also wanted to make more progress in the evening but didn’t get around to it, thanks to me recently discovering Metal Slug Attack Reloaded. The objective remains to get things done tomorrow. I’ll just have to work a little more at it. Stay tuned.

Aug 01 2024

The Road to Reconstruction – Day 70-71

It would seem I forgot to post yesterday. Whoopsie. Anyway, over the past couple days, I’ve gotten through Pages 18 and 19 of the movie section and gotten about halfway into Page 20. In yesterday’s post that I forgot to post, I was speculating that I had two or three more days to go, and by now I’m leaning toward to the latter, so I expect to wrap things up Friday. Almost there. Stay tuned.