Jul 28 2024

WIP Update – 27 Jul 24

I’m really close to having the epilogue of EM3 finished. I probably just have another sentence or two to tie a bow on it and be done, though I imagine I’ll want to give it a couple passes before I post it. I also did a little writing in RttW while I was preparing the story update.

What took the bigger chunk of my time was some work in the peripheral materials I was doing with regards to juvenation and life extension, something that isn’t that well reflected in some of my materials. It was a big part of my calculations when working on the CeleKing series, but in the overarching narrative of the Cross Arc as a whole, I hadn’t really factored it in when I was doing my early genealogical work. I considered not making life extension much of a thing until the Fifth Empire period, but that didn’t jibe with my work on CeleKing as Emperor Wuzu of the Hua Dynasty made it to 266 years and life extension treatments would have had to have started no later than the mid-5th Century for him to have made it so long. We do have about a 50-year period for the Æther War for life extension to develop and we can argue that the Skyfall Calamity caused disruptions in its application, but that didn’t change the fact that I wanted it to be reflected in the main Imperial line and major pretender factions.

One example of a major change was changing Emperor Michael I Neologos’ birth from NE 541 to NE 461. This meant that rather than being the great-grandson of Emperor Victor Alexis I Neander, he’s now that Emperor’s brother-in-law with the two of them having married sisters. I had to move around the family tree to reflect this change, which is a bit of a pain when you’re just using a text file for this sort of thing. (I really should consider upgrading how I do my genealogy work.) With Emperor Michael’s lineage now majorly altered, I had to fill in a couple generations up so that he doesn’t just spring up out of nowhere. I ended up with quite the little soap opera story brewing in House Goldbaum. (I always love how stories come together as I make family trees.) Anyway, that kept me busy a good long while. Got to see the sunrise, so I guess you could call that a perk.

Anyway, Monday I’ll be switching over to TWH, but in the meantime, I’ll probably fiddle around with this stuff a bit more. I’m sure you all find it thrilling. Stay tuned.

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