Jun 15 2024

WIP Update – 14 Jun 24

Between a fairly busy week at work and me having very little energy once I get back to the ranchero, I haven’t gotten any writing on EM3 or site work done. However, something unusual happened. My coworkers tend to spam messages on LINE and in the LINE app, there was this banner ad for a browser game called ZeroDora. I clicked on it out of curiosity and it seemed like a fairly generic sim with a scifi coat of paint. As a game, there’s not much going for it, but the setting managed to stir my imagination and a concept quickly took shape.

Tentatively, I’m calling this project Colony Flipper, the story of a real estate developer charged with rehabilitating an abandoned offworld colony to turn a profit for a shady corporation. It’s an opportunity to look at the Cross Arc from a very different perspective than any of the other stories I’ve written so far or any that I’ve planned before. I know I have other, bigger priorities at the moment, but it’d be a waste to not capitalize on this surge of creativity while it lasts.

Things should slow down a fair bit during finals week, so I’m hoping to turn things around then. The first half of next week will continue to be busy, but from Thursday on, I should have a little more time for the story and site restoration work I want to be doing. If only I have the energy to meet the demands of the tasks ahead… Anyway, at least you know something’s getting done. Now if I could just start meeting quotas and deadlines again… Stay tuned.

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