Mar 11 2024

The Road to Reconstruction – Day 9

Because I was still implementing edits in Tico1, I didn’t progress by leaps and bounds, but once I was finished with Chapter 11, it just became a matter of copy-pasting (with some minor corrections to the coding as I went). I was able to get all of Tico1 up, so that’s three novels down, 23 to go. Nothing to it but to do it. Stay tuned.

Mar 11 2024

WIP Update – 10 Mar 24

I continued to implement the edits to Tico1 up through Chapter 11. Once I’m done reconstructing the site (or whenever I need a break), I’ll continue the proofing work from Chapter 12. I also did a quick pass with the spellchecker through Tico2, 3 and 4 to add to the custom dictionary and see if I couldn’t catch anything that slipped past me all those years ago. One small thing which typifies how obsessive I can be over little details is the spellings of “civvy” vs. “civvie”. I favor the latter, but then I decided to change it to the former, only to finally decide that “civvy” is the singular noun form and “civvie” is the adjectival form, thus warranting another pass through all the manuscripts where citations of the word can be found. I’m sure no one else does this (the distinction between “civvy” and “civvie”, that is), but at least this way I’ll have internal consistency.

I mentioned before that I was adjusting the rendering of dialectic speech and that was the main thrust of the day’s efforts, but I was also making some adjustments to stage direction and such as I went. Small changes, but they add up. Once I’m done, I’ll have to compare how the wordcount has changed. Anyway, it’s back to the grunt work, so look for further updates in the Road to Reconstruction series. Stay tuned.

Mar 09 2024

The Road to Reconstruction – Day 8

Having now rounded out a full week of trials and travails, the grunt work of simply plugging in the HTML for the pages is the primary task for the time being. I was making pages for a lot of teasers until I got to the Space Arc. As mentioned in the WIP Update post, the edits from my proofing work on the Space Arc shorts and Tico1 before I nuked the site,were getting implemented as I was reconstructing their pages. As I’m doing some extensive rewrites to character dialog in Tico1 for better dialectic fidelity, the pace of the work slowed significantly when I got there. Now, instead of going through the whole book right now, I’ll only continue this work through Chapter 12, which was as far as I’d gotten with the proofing, then just copy over what I have for the rest of Tico1 and the other Tico series novels and go back to fully proof them later. Once I get the Tico novels up, the Space Arc will be good to go. Just one more step on the way. I imagine that’ll at least take another day or two. The work continues… Stay tuned.

Mar 09 2024

WIP Update – 09 Mar 24

Since I saw fit that my earlier proofing work warranted one of these posts, I’ll do so here as well. As you may recall, before all this nonsense with the site began, my proofing work had extended to the Space Arc shorts and Tico1. Well, as I was reconstructing their pages, I was implementing the edits I had made two weeks ago. For the shorts, there wasn’t much to change, but with my reworking of the dialectic speech in Tico1 (which will of course extend to the other three books when I get to them), there’s a bit more elbow grease being applied. As you might imagine, I’m kinda thankful for character like Matt whose speech is stiffer and more formalized. Less work for me. Anyway, life needs rigor and so I’ll continue on my way. There’ll probably be one more post like this as I get caught up on the proofing work I’ve done so far on Tico1, but probably not another one for a while unless I take a wild hair to do some story writing as a change of pace. Stay tuned.

Mar 08 2024

The Road to Reconstruction – Day 7

While most of my colleagues were busy with the last round of finals and getting their grades in, I was done with my part and after yesterday’s fun, there was nothing to impede me from driving right on along with the reconstruction work, so I brought my laptop with me and spent most of my time in the office working on the Stories section. (I did answer a few questions about grammar and such and helped another colleague with a little technical project, so I wasn’t totally wasting my employer’s time and money by being there.)

While there would have been a certain elegance to restoring the story content in the order it was originally posted, I was drawing a lot of information from the old database, so I was adding things in the order they were indexed. I finished restoring EM before heading homeward and would have JJ up before the evening was out. I was also getting a lot of the teasers and a couple shorts up as well. While I was at it, I decided to count out how many stories I have listed in total. 119 novels and 20 shorts, of which 23 novels and 13 shorts are currently completed. I’m probably going to have to pick up the pace if I want to finish before I buy the farm.

Anyway, all I can do is keep hammering away until the work is done. I will, of course, keep you posted. Stay tuned.

Mar 07 2024

The Road to Reconstruction – Day 6

I went to bed with my FTP client slowly deleting the old files for Drupal so I could upload the new ones, and that was exactly what I did when I got up in the morning. However, with nearly 18K files, there was no way the upload was going to complete before I needed to head out to work and I didn’t want to interrupt the upload process while I was in transit. (Remember this.) I left my machine to do its work while I went to do mine, and you know how that went from the previous WIP Update. Well, when I got back home, I found that the connection to the FTP server had timed out and the client was still stubbornly trying to ram files through without success. As I’ve only ever done small-scale uploads until now, I didn’t quite handle things as efficiently as I could’ve, but that doesn’t change the fact that my FTP connection is only good for about 6K files.

I spent the evening doing iteration after iteration trying to get those dang files across. While I was doing that, I was seriously looking into alternatives to Drupal. Joomla strikes me as too similar to WordPress, which is fine for the blog but not really suited for what I want to do with the main site. Concrete5 had some recommendations, but as I was testing a demo, I remembered doing so before and not liking it then either. Also, like Drupal, it has a nasty habit of making changes to the source code you input, only it does things that the current HTML rules don’t like, and I really don’t need that. At the cost of having the basic framework designed for me, I was looking into something that wasn’t WYSIWYG, which led me to CMS Made Simple. It’s a lot closer to what I want, even if it’d take more work to develop the skeleton of the site myself. I vowed that if the upload failed again, I was hopping ship. However, after something like the eighth or ninth try, I finally got all the files uploaded and everything was functional again. The only thing really holding me back is the fact that Drupal is already optimized for mobile, which would’ve taken a fair bit of effort for me to design myself. Also, I learned a lot from the repeated failures in the update process, so I feel it will go a lot smoother next time.

During the FTP shenanigans, I was doing offline prep work, so I’m ready to go all in reconstructing the site content. While there’s some appeal of using my free time in the office for writing, I really need to focus on getting the site back in order. And with that, the work begins anew. Stay tuned.

Mar 07 2024

WIP Update – 07 Mar 24

You didn’t expect to see one of these, did you? I wouldn’t have either, but as I’ve mentioned elsewhere, I’ve had a burst of inspiration recently while proctoring finals and I’ve figured out my plan for the next four chapters of TWH. As all my proctoring and grading are done and I was left with two more days in the workweek, I considered bringing my laptop to the office so I could continue my work on the site. However, due to the time required for the file transfers for updating Drupal, I opted to leave my laptop behind to finish that while I was off at work. (You’ll hear more about that in my next Road to Reconstruction post.) So, instead of reconstructing pages on the site, I used my time to write on Chapter 19 of TWH. A different sort of productive use of my time, but a welcome one. It may be a little too optimistic, but if there are no other major disturbances in the near future, I might even be ready for a story update by next weekend. That’d be nice, wouldn’t it? Well, let’s see what I can do. Stay tuned.

Mar 07 2024

The Road to Reconstruction – Day 5

With the accessibility issues sorted out, I could return to my work without any hindrance. I continued to flesh out the “James” section in preparation for the main content. Of course things had to be going too smoothly for me because as the evening’s winding down, I get a notice that a new version of Drupal’s out and I need to update. Now, we can’t have it be a simple single click to update like in WordPress. Oh, heavens me, no. You’ve got to strip out a decent chunk of your files, then upload the new ones. I have the distinct feeling it would’ve been faster to delete the old files in CPanel’s File Manager rather than my FTP client, but I did the latter and so that was going to take the rest of the night. Joy.

One of my concerns is that the htaccess file was set to resolve the issues of the past couple days and now I have to replace it. I of course saved a copy of the old version, but I need to go through the code and see what’s changed with the new version so I don’t screw up anything there. Hopefully I can get it all working without too much trouble as Drupal seems to update rather regularly. It may not have been great for security, but I liked having gone all those years with Wolf CMS without updating anything. Well, such is the price we pay to stay on the cutting edge. If there aren’t any major issues getting things up and running again, I should be able to resume work without too many headaches. Will it work out that well? If recent history is any indication, no, but I’d welcome a pleasant surprise for a change. Stay tuned.

Mar 06 2024

The Road to Reconstruction – Day 4

Without access to Drupal, I worked on reconstructing and converting offline copies of the site’s code. After posting the previous entry of this series, I got to thinking about the solution proposed by tech support yesterday. I wasn’t sure if they were going to do it or if they expected me to do it, so I decided I might as well try it myself. I set subdomains for the blog and the wiki, then the redirects, and while I regained access to the wiki, I lost access to WordPress. Well, fudge. I contacted tech support again, and though it took at least two hours if not closer to three, when it was all said and done, I had full access to Drupal, WordPress and PMWiki. Huzzah.

From there, I went about putting together the skeleton for the “James” section of the site and now need to go forward with the content. I intend to restore story content first and then the reviews. This will be a hefty undertaking, but once it’s done, I can work on the appearance of the site to get it more to my liking. Expect the next few days to be little more than just updates on content restoration. That’s all I’ve got for the time being. Stay tuned.

Mar 05 2024

The Road to Reconstruction – Day 3

The first thing I did was makes some tweaks to the Update Archive that I had on my mind at the close of business yesterday. One thing I’ve decided to do was rebrand the Five Arcs as the Six Arcs as there’s now more than enough reason to elevate the Else Arc to the same level as the other five. I was updating the internal links and setting up a redirect so any legacy links won’t be broken. Before getting into the core section of the site, I wanted to chronicle the previous day’s activity, only to get a 403 error when I tried to log in to WordPress. Now, I’d had a similar issue with the wiki the day before, but the problem didn’t affect the blog… until it did. I went through the solutions I could find before finally deciding to contact HostGator for help. They restored access to the blog at the cost of access to the main site. The proposed solution was to set up a subdomain to avoid further disputes over permissions between Drupal and WordPress (and theoretically PMWiki as well). There’s supposed to be a followup, but I’m not sure if I’m expected to do any of it myself.

My motivation level dipped quite a bit after dealing with all that, so I took a nap after supper and when I got up, I started working on rounding out the offline backup with the updated code. That alone can keep me busy a good long while and it was enough to occupy me for the rest of the evening. Between archived versions of the pages via the Wayback Machine and the original database, I was filling in the gaps in my offline archive. Once I have access to the main site again, I can start plugging in the content for the pages. The current situation gives me the opportunity to make more changes to the site than I might otherwise. Once it’s all done, we can welcome Palidor Media 3.0. How long ago was it that I unveiled the 2.0 version of the site? It’s been ages, hasn’t it?

Well, anyway, depending on accessibility, I may just be doing offline work for the foreseeable future. In a bit of good news, I managed to get through my writer’s block on TWH, so whenever I want a break from my work on the code, I could actually get some writing done. Stay tuned.