WIP Update – 06 Oct 23
I managed to finish Chapter 17 of EM3, so I’m all set for the update. Yay. Maybe I can take advantage of the three-day weekend to properly plot out the last third of the story. Yes, as you may know, I’ve been writing by the seat of my pants in a lot of my more recent novels. While I have allowed for serendipity to move the plot a little in older projects once production begins, I had all the plot beats pretty well outlined beforehand. I’ve fallen out of that habit (largely due to preproduction windows narrowing from years to mere months). I keep telling myself I need to sit down and just focus on sorting things out, but I haven’t done it yet. However, the rocky production of the current three projects may just break me of this bad habit. Anyway, I’ve still got another day to give EM3 some love, so maybe I can get Chapter 18 knocked out as well. Stay tuned.