I was able to finish Chapter 22 of NagaTen with time to let it sit before I go back over it prior to posting the update, and I went on to do some work on Chapter 23 as well. Another day or two with it and it’ll be time to switch over. Stay tuned.
I managed to knock out the day’s quota and make up for yesterday’s shortfall working on Chapter 22 of NagaTen and now I’m almost done. Since I have a three-day weekend, it was easier to take the extra time to get things done, even with the mascot’s frequent interruptions. Onward to the end. Stay tuned.
I was passing out more than was conducive to making good progress. I did do a bit more on Chapter 22 of NagaTen, and earlier in the day I’d done a bit of work on what will become either Chapter 17 or 18 of TWH. I need to make up for lost time and finish the former in time for Saturday’s deadline. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, Hecate, Nagareboshi Tennyo, NagaTen, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Witch Hunters, TWH, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Hecate, Nagareboshi Tennyo, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Witch Hunters, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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It was 2300 and I was exhausted, so I decided to lie down for a bit. I woke up around 0300. I had to be up at 0630 for work and I could very easily had gone right back to sleep, but I hadn’t gotten to the day’s quota yet. It was tempting to do my usual thing and just put it off, but my pride couldn’t very well allow me to break my vow on Day 2, so I made some more progress on Chapter 22 of NagaTen (and my mindset happened to be very appropriate for that particular chapter). Anyway, let’s see if I can’t get my writing in any sooner tomorrow. Stay tuned.
The devastating realization that it’s been over two months without a lick of progress on any of my stories seems to have been the kick in the pants I needed to start reforming my ways. Yes, my current job has me a lot busier than I’ve been in a long time. Yes, summer vacation was a wild whirlwind that barely left me with a moment to breathe. Yes, I’m exhausted more often than not. However, if writing is truly my calling as I say it is, then I’ll make it work anyway. Now, we’ll see how long I can keep this up, but I’m returning to my 500-word-a-day quota and I’m going to try to make these posts daily and also try to do a special post like the Character Spotlights once a week. Will this get me back on track at long last? We’ll see.
As for my inaugural effort, I picked up Chapter 22 of NagaTen with the intention of getting it done by the weekend. At the rate I’m going, the final wordcount is going to to come up rather short, around 40K, but as I’ve said before, I write stories the length they need to be. If conventional publication comes up at a later date, I may have to do some reworking to the manuscript, but for now, I’ll let the chips fall where they may. Until next time. Stay tuned.