The main thing I accomplished was writing some of Chapter 8 of RttW, but there was also some work in the WttW peripheral materials, though not as much as previously as I’ve been goofing off a lot more. Work is starting up again, which will probably do more for actual story progress (as the story progress mentioned here was done during the days I was called in to sub). I suppose TWH needs some attention, so I’ll try to work on that. Stay tuned.
I spent the whole week on the peripheral materials of WttW, to include starting up the encyclopedia, which is a bit odd, because it’s usually one of the first things I do when starting up a new world. Of course I had to further increase complexity of the systems. I’ve added a decimal place to the weights, which forced me to go back over all the item entries, and also started to factor in volume and item dimensions. Loads of fun. Keeps me out of the beer joints, I suppose. We’ll see if I accomplish any story progress this week. Stay tuned.
As you can see, I got Chapter 5 of TWH done in time for the update, and, as you’d expect, I spent the rest of my time continuing my work in WttW. And I haven’t just been working in the peripheral materials either. I’ve gotten up to Chapter 7 in RttW. That one decision I’ve had misgivings about is pretty well locked in at this point, so I’m just going to have to deal with the consequences. World-building yet character-destroying, though hopefully as I develop the story further, the context will at least make it feel organic. Just going to have to roll the dice, I guess.
Expect more of the same this week, though I will try to at least finish another chapter of NagaTen while I’m at it. Stay tuned.
Tags: Else Arc, Hecate, Return to the World, RttW, Tellus Arc, The Witch Hunters, TWH, Welcome to the World, WIP Update, WttW
Else Arc, Hecate, Return to the World, Tellus Arc, The Witch Hunters, Welcome to the World, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I at least accomplished one of my goals, rounding out Chapter 7 of NagaTen, but I didn’t touch on TWH any. You guessed it, I spent most of my time on WttW. However, rather than the peripheral materials, I spent a fair bit of time writing on RttW. I completed Chapter 1 and then got through Chapters 2 and 3 and started on Chapter 4. I may end up scrapping a fair bit of it, though. The main character does some things I’m not happy with. It sets the tone and establishes some concepts I want to convey, but I don’t like that he’s the one to do it. I need to try writing an alternate version and see how that fits. There’s a lot of juicy conflict that can be born of the original version, but I feel I’d lose the vast majority of the audience by doing it. I don’t know.
Anyway, I need to at least get the chapter of TWH that’s due out this weekend done. I’m sure WttW will continue to occupy plenty of my time as well. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, Else Arc, Nagareboshi Tennyo, NagaTen, Post-Apocalyptic, Return to the World, RttW, Welcome to the World, WIP Update, WttW
Cross Arc, Else Arc, Nagareboshi Tennyo, Post-Apocalyptic, Return to the World, Welcome to the World, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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