As you might imagine, WttW dominated my time, though I did managed to complete two of the three parts of Chapter 7 of NagaTen, so I almost achieved my stated goal. Other than working on the peripheral materials for WttW, I wrote a fair bit on Chapter 3 of RttW as the confrontation there is something I was itching to put down on (digital) paper.
Going forward, I’d like to finish that chapter of NagaTen and then probably go back to TWH, as I don’t have any buffer built up there, unlike the soon to be released EM3. We’ll see what I get accomplished. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, Else Arc, Nagareboshi Tennyo, NagaTen, Post-Apocalyptic, Return to the World, RttW, Welcome to the World, WIP Update, WttW
Cross Arc, Else Arc, Nagareboshi Tennyo, Post-Apocalyptic, Return to the World, Welcome to the World, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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As you can see by looking at the main site, I did in fact manage to get Chapter 4 of TWH finished in time for the update and went on to write something like a whole sentence on Chapter 5. (I’ll obviously have to do a fair bit more than that in the next three weeks.)
Of course, I’ve continued to spend most of my time in the peripheral materials for WttW. Yes, the level of detail I’m going into is insane, but I’m enjoying myself and what more can you ask for out of life? I’ve started to seed the different zones (or Trials as they’re known in-universe) with wildlife, natural resources and such and as that gets done, I’ll have a better grasp of how the global economy operates. Eventually I need to start running combat simulations to test the game balance as well. Fun, fun, fun.
Although I’m going to be continuing full speed ahead on my development of WttW, I also need to do some writing on NagaTen. I’ve still got plenty of time before it gets released, but I would like to patch the holes in Chapter 7 at the very least. We’ll see what I get accomplished. Stay tuned.
P.S. The latest post to get assailed by spammers was “On Values Dissonance” with over 500 rubbish posts. If we had a more active community, I’d like to leave that one open for discussion, but as non-spamming traffic is quite light, I’ve gone ahead and locked comments for the time being. I may open it up later if ever there’s a demand for it.
Tags: Else Arc, Hecate, Tellus Arc, The Witch Hunters, TWH, Welcome to the World, WIP Update, WttW
Else Arc, Hecate, Tellus Arc, The Witch Hunters, Welcome to the World, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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Except for spending a decent chunk of Saturday writing manga reviews, both to cover Sunday’s update and in general to work on my to-do pile, I spent the vast majority of my time continuing my work on the peripheral materials for WttW. I did streamline the job system a bit, eliminating some fifteen of the Tier 3 classes, but that was the only thing I did to reduce the complexity of the game system. I’ve added so many mechanics, you’d think I was trying set the entire universe to a mathematic formula. (Almost. I’m not quite there yet.) However, that chapter full of holes in TWH is supposed to be out Saturday, so I’m really going to have to sit down and finish it, but how can I find the time when I’m trying to calculate the rate of spoilage for cumin or the strength requirement for an orichalcum rod? I’m sure I’ll eventually get to doing what needs doing.
Oh, by the way, the Russians have been spamming the heck out of this blog. (Apparently they don’t have more pressing concerns.) I had to close comments for the old post “A View into the Pit of Madness”, as it was clogged with over 1200 spam comments. I’m sure posterity isn’t going to need a lively discussion on my efforts to get the Ranko summon in Granblue. If I see any particular post get flooded like that, I’ll close the comments there too, but in general, I’ll be keeping comments open, even if there isn’t really any commentary to be had. And that does it for now. More to come. Stay tuned.
On a whim I decided to start writing on Return to the World. Maybe not so much of a whim given how much I’ve been thinking on the game system and working out the details. I wrote the prologue and part of Chapter 1 before throwing myself into the peripheral materials. I really do have a case of complexity addiction as I keep on adding new mechanics. Some might argue that I’m reinventing the wheel as a lot of PnP RPGs like D&D have already done a lot of this legwork, but I enjoy putting together my own ruleset from scratch. Heaven help anyone who tried to adapt it, though. Even with me using pseudo-programming notation, I shudder to think of the mammoth task of actually programming this monster. LibreOffice has crashed so many times as I’ve been working on the spreadsheet, it’s not even funny. Anyway, I’m probably going to continue working on this for a while, but I’ll try to find time for some actual story writing as well. Stay tuned.