I don’t quite have the chapter structure for EM3 set in stone yet, but I finished five chapters. Several of those were already in progress, so it’s not quite as much headway as it might sound at first, but it’s still pretty respectable if I say so myself.
For a change of pace, I wrote Chapters 1 and 2 of Whose Dog Are You? (which I’m going to be referring to as “DonaInu” from now on, from the Japanese translation of the title: “Anata wa Donata no Inu Desu ka?“).
Also, I’ve been doing a lot of work in the peripheral materials of Welcome to the World. One of the gimmicks is that I’m really trying to make the World operate according to a clearly defined game system. I may need to go back and streamline the mechanics more as I think I’m suffering a bit from complexity addiction. We’ll see how things go.
I mentioned plans to plug some holes in NagaTen and TWH last week. I haven’t gotten to it yet, but I need to get on it. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, DonaInu, Earth Arc, Else Arc, EM3, Everyday Magic 3, Post-Apocalyptic, Welcome to the World, Whose Dog Are You?, WIP Update, WttW
Cross Arc, Earth Arc, Else Arc, Everyday Magic 3, Post-Apocalyptic, Welcome to the World, Whose Dog Are You?, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I made some progress on Chapter 4 of TWH and then jumped ahead to knock out Chapter 6. I need to fill in the gaps on Chapter 4 to round it out, but I haven’t quite gotten to that yet. I also did some work on yet another TBA project. Properly announcing all these TBA projects is something I’ll be going forward with in the very near future. In the meantime, I’ll be switching over to EM3 and possibly going back to patch some of the holes in NagaTen and TWH. Stay tuned.
I finished Chapter 10 of NagaTen and made some decent headway on Chapter 11 as well. There was also a fair bit of assorted research that I’m sure will come in handy at some point. I’ll be switching over to TWH, so we’ll see what gets done there. Stay tuned.