I don’t have everything squared away for EM3 yet, so all I can say for certain at the moment is that I finished Chapter 1 and made progress in several other yet to be numbered chapters. I’ll be switching over to NagaTen from here. Stay tuned.
I made some progress on Chapter 4 of TWH, but also wrote the prologue of EM3 and the prologue for one of those pre-production projects I have yet to announce. I was also doing a lot of work in the peripheral materials for yet another one of those TBA projects. I suppose I’ll be focusing on EM3 from here. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, EM3, Everyday Magic 3, Hecate, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Witch Hunters, TWH, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Everyday Magic 3, Hecate, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Witch Hunters, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I didn’t do that much actual story writing. I finished Chapter 9 of NagaTen and started on Chapter 10, but I did a lot of work in the peripheral materials. How much of this work will show up in the final product? Maybe none of it, but you know how I am about my worldbuilding. Even if you never see it, the fact that it’s in my head should help make the world more real. Anyway, I guess I’ll switch back over to TWH. Stay tuned.
I was called back in to work sooner than originally planned, but the upside of this was that I actually got some writing done. I managed to knock out Chapter 26 of EM2, which does it for that. One scene grew a bit longer than I wanted, so I went ahead and transferred that over to Chapter 1 of EM3, which I’ll need to start working on more in the coming days in preparation for its launch in a couple months.
Now, while I haven’t done much writing over the break, I have been working a decent bit on a concept I’ve moved into preproduction. Expect a teaser to be posted in the near future. I think I’ll be switching over to NagaTen now. Stay tuned.