I finished Chapter 13 of KniTwi and did a bit on Chapter 31 of JJ2. In my continuing adventures in rereading, I went back through Tellus. Always glad to catch any flubs I didn’t get on the first try. Anyway, from here I’ll be focusing on getting the next chapter of JJ2 out. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, Gladius, Hannibal, JJ2, Junker Jorg, Junker Jorg 2, KniTwi, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus, Tellus Arc, The Knight's Twilight, The Miravel World War, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Gladius, Hannibal, Junker Jorg 2, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus, Tellus Arc, The Knight's Twilight, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I did some writing on Chapter 9 of EM2, but I once again found myself going back to old material and rereading TBP, mostly for entertainment purposes, but I was also catching a number of typos and such I didn’t correct when I first posted the chapters. I’d like to finish the chapter of EM2, but I need to switch over to KniTwi if I’m going to make this week’s deadline. We’ll see what I get done. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, EM2, Everyday Magic 2, Hannibal, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus, Tellus Arc, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Everyday Magic 2, Hannibal, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus, Tellus Arc, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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