Nov 08 2017

WIP Update – 08 Nov 17

I started in on Chapter 34 of TBP. Didn’t get anywhere near quota, but some progress is better than no progress. More to come. Stay tuned.

Nov 07 2017

WIP Update – 07 Nov 17

I finished Chapter 33 of TBP. The week is young yet, so getting through Chapter 35 before the handover is the goal. Going even further would be better yet. Stay tuned.

Nov 06 2017

WIP Update – 06 Nov 17

I managed to finish Chapter 32 of TBP and start on Chapter 33. Hopefully I can rebuild more of my lead time this week. Stay tuned.

Nov 05 2017

WIP Update – 05 Nov 17

After two days of doing pretty much nothing productive, I was able to pull it together to put the finishing touches on Chapter 24 of CeleKing2. (I also wrote a little bit here and there on CeleKing3 as I was trying to plot out my near-future strategy.) That doesn’t address my shortfall with TBP, though, and seeing as how I may not be able to dive right into CeleKing3 because of the scattered writing I’ve already done, I may just spend another week on TBP. (After all, while CeleKing3 won’t launch until the end of next year, TBP will be winding down by the end of January, barring any schedule slip.) If I can get through Chapter 34 of TBP, I’ll do some work on CeleKing3. That sounds reasonable. Stay tuned.

Nov 03 2017

WIP Update – 01-02 Nov 17

I made some more progress on Chapter 32 of TBP. I’m a bit under quota, but I’ve got a three-day weekend and no money to do anything, so maybe I can spend a fair chunk of that time writing and not just playing games. We’ll see. Stay tuned.