Apr 06 2014

WIP Update – 05 Apr 14

I found myself going back over some of the older chapters of TTWC1. In particular, I noted a comment from one of Xanthe’s chapters about the Notians who volunteered for the invasion of the Darklands after the fleet’s arrival in Kalonis as well as another comment later on about the Notian volunteers in the ranks of the Third Legion. The only problem was that my tallies of the Zephyrian forces’ manpower didn’t reflect this. (Yes, I keep records in minute detail about these things.) I had to adjust the numbers, making an entirely separate corps of Notian irregulars tied to the Third Legion and commanded by Ionathas (which further explains why he was chosen to succeed Duke Cronos).

I did a lot of other work in the peripheral materials, including some I haven’t touched in years and have drifted considerably from the current state of the canon. I also added little bits of dialog to several other stories as the whim came upon me. So much stuff to write. It’s crazy. ^_^;

I imagine I’ll stick to TTWC1 throughout the week and then get back to Tico4. When the inspiration hits, I’ll give some other stories some love, but it seems like I’m most focused when it comes to the stories currently in the chute. Stay tuned.

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