Mar 22 2017

WIP Update – 20 Mar 17

I spent most of my plane ride watching movies and trying to catch up on my translation project, but I did write a paragraph of Chapter 20 of CeleKing1. Definitely not quota, but maybe when things settle down and I get my translation work caught up, I can afford to write some more. I do want to browse around Tokyo while I’m here, so I may not do all that much until after I’ve settled into my new location. The translation project will be ending this weekend, but then my new job starts. I don’t think I have to worry about taking my work home with me like when I was teaching at college, so that should mean my off-hours are my own. And without much else to occupy my free time, I imagine I can get a lot of writing done over the next year (or longer if things go well). Stay tuned.

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