Friday the 13th Part III (1982)

Friday the 13th Part III (1982)

Director: Steven Miner
Starring: Dana Kimmell, Paul Kratka, Tracie Savage

A young woman returns to her old home with some friends to face some unresolved trauma, only for the source of that trauma to come hunting them.

So apparently recap sequences are just going to be a thing with this series. You'd think with them coming out yearly, fans wouldn't need much of a refresher, but so it goes. The connection between films is much more tenuous this time, as is Jason's MO. At least in the previous film there's a vague sense of continuity between Jason's kills and those of his mother. Here it's mostly killing for killing's sake. There are some mildly interesting things going on with some of the characters, but none of it goes anywhere as they're just meat on the plate. Jason does get his iconic hockey mask in this one, so that's something.

The elephant in the room is the 3D gimmick, which is incredibly lame, but such was the era and the irresistible urge to add a "D" to the "3" in the title of movies. Maybe it'll have some appeal if you appreciate the kitsch factor. Anyway, overall, while there are some things I like about this one, there's nothing particularly inventive or compelling about it, so take it or leave it.
