Delicious in Dungeon (2024)


Season 1

Delicious in Dungeon - Season 1 (2024)

Director: Yoshihiro Miyajima
Studio: Trigger
Starring: Kentaro Kumagai, Sayaka Senbongi, Asuna Tomari
Episodes: 24

Cash-strapped adventurers resort to cooking monsters as they launch a rescue mission for one of their companions who was eaten by a dragon.

When I saw this in the listings, I just dismissed it as a gimmick series like isekai host bars and haberdashers and such. However, I happened to stumble across a clip on Youtube of Marcille's fight with the undine and I was struck at how well-animated it was. Then I found out that this series was made by Trigger and I immediately picked it up and got caught up in short order. It would've been a tragedy if I'd slept on this one. Not only is it very well-animated, but there's also plenty of good comedy with an enjoyable cast of characters, but while it's fairly light-hearted most of the time, it does have its darker moments (and I hear it gets even worse later in the story). Now, if you like a skillful balancing act between heavier and lighter elements, you'll find this a rewarding experience. There's a lot of attention to detail here, the sort of thing that can get glossed over in less skillful productions. On every front, this is on the upper end of what anime can be and I enthusiastically recommend it for your collection. I'm certainly looking forward to Season 2 and will probably end up picking up the manga in the meantime.

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