Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid (2017)


Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid (2017)

Director: Yasuhiro Takemoto
Studio: Kyoto Animation
Starring: Mutsumi Tamura, Yuki Kuwahara, Maria Naganawa
Episodes: 13

A dragon moves in with a programmer to serve as her maid.

I'd heard people talk about this series, especially during the run of Manaria Friends, and I finally decided to check it out. I wish I'd done so sooner because I liked it quite a bit. The comedy is on point, the character dynamics a really first-rate, the designs are appealing, and there's actually quite a bit of depth to it. It's rare to be able to balance comedy with some genuine character drama without wrecking the tone, but this story manages it. Also, for what's supposed to be a fairly light comedy, there's some impressive animation work in the action sequences when they occur, so a tip of the hat to the good folks at Kyoto Animation. Give it a watch at the very least, but I'd say this is one for the collection.

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