Ple Ple Pleiades x Kagejitsu! (2023)


Ple Ple Pleiades x Kagejitsu! (2023)

Director: Minoru Ashina
Studio: Puyukai
Starring: Satoshi Hino, Seiichiro Yamashita, Yumi Hara
Episodes: 1

A magical portal causes Ainz and Shadow to switch bodies.

This is a fun little crossover that puts Ainz and Shadow in each other's shoes and pokes some fun at the commonalities between the two franchises. It's amusing how little effort takes for the two to slip into each other's roles (namely because Ainz was formerly a chuuni himself). The fact that OxT performed both "Hollow Hunger" for Overlord and "Highest" for Kagejitsu allows them to blend the two for the end credits. If you're a fan of both franchises, this is well worth a watch.

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