Ple Ple Pleiades 4 (2022)


Ple Ple Pleiades 4 (2022)

Director: Minoru Ashina
Studio: Studio Puyukai
Starring: Satoshi Hino, Takuya Sato, Nobuyuki Hiyama
Episodes: 13

To train the Pleiades to better interact with other races, they are sent to work under the Sous-chef at his bar.

While the main series is fairly bleak, this serves as a nice change of pace with the poor Sous-chef having to deal with the eccentricities of the Pleiades as he tries to preserve the tranquil atmosphere of his bar. Like the previous seasons, this is good for a chuckle and the short episodes don't ask too much of you, so give it a watch.

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