Nosferatu (1922)

[Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens]

Nosferatu (1922)

Director: FW Murnau
Starring: Max Schreck, Greta Schröder, Ruth Landshoff

A real estate agent travels to Romania to broker a sale with a mysterious count with a sinister reputation.

Some people call this the best adaptation of Bram Stoker's Dracula, unauthorized though it was and nearly purged from existence by the Stoker estate. Thankfully, Mrs. Stoker didn't have her way and the world can still enjoy the film that set the standard for cinema horror. A lot of things we take for granted now were established here and it's still pretty effective. Max Schreck is amazingly creepy as Count Orlok and Alexander Granach is no slouch as Renfield expy Knock. As the film is in the public domain, it's very easy to get your hands on it, so by all means, give it a watch and experience it for yourself.

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