Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid (2016)


Volume 5

Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid - Volume 5 (2016)

Author/Artist: Coolkyousinnjya
Publisher: Action Comics

Kobayashi and Takiya plan a hanami party for their dragon friends.

The hanami chapter is a nice ensemble episode and we honestly have a lot of good character stuff to follow. We explore Tohru being unable to sleep, Tohru taking care of Kobayashi when she comes down with a fever, Tohru joining the Neighborhood Watch, how Tohru and Elma first met, Saikawa being introduced to Ilulu, Shouta trying to sort out his relationship with Lucoa, Tohru working at a maid cafe, and finally a matsuri episode.

The art maintains the standard you've come to expect. If you're one of the people offended by Lucoa's shotacon thing, you really aren't going to like the Shouta chapter, which opens on a naked Lucoa spread out on top of a hapless Shouta.

The the afterword, the author talks about social distance and how it's affected him, which explains why socialization is such a major theme in the series.

As noted above, there are a lot of good character moments this volume. If you've gotten invested in the characters (and I can't imagine you reading this far if you haven't), then you should appreciate this quite a bit. Give it a read at the very least.

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