Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid (2016)


Volume 4

Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid - Volume 4 (2016)

Author/Artist: Coolkyousinnjya
Publisher: Action Comics

The Chaos Dragon Ilulu comes to our world to challenge Tohru.

Ilulu reminds us that Tohru's presence can be a very bad thing for our world. Not everyone is content to sit around and play video games like Fafnir. Because of Tohru's power level, it's not really a spoiler to say that direct action doesn't get the job done and the more underhanded techniques Ilulu then employs leads to some interesting scenarios. Before her return, though, we get a longer treatment of Kobayashi and Tohru's first encounter and an onsen episode. There's also a nice episode with Elma where she gets to better appreciate Kobayashi's role in the office. Going back to Ilulu, I really wasn't much of a fan of her character at first, but she gets some good development and started to grow on me a bit.

We get more action in this volume and it's interesting when Coolkyousinnjya decides to be more detailed in his work. Ilulu (attempting) to play up her sex appeal may not go over with you so well as she generally looks like a small child but with gigantic breasts. One of her later costumes plays this down a bit.

In the afterword, Coolkyousinnjya announces that the anime has been greenlit (which would have been a good year before it aired).

I have to credit the author for taking a character that really didn't appeal to me and doing interesting things that make me thankful she's in the story. This one may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I say it's still worth a read.

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