Fullmetal Alchemist (2004)


Volume 8

Fullmetal Alchemist - Volume 8 (2004)

Author/Artist: Hiromu Arakawa
Publisher: Gangan Comics

While Greed fights King Bradley, his surviving chimera minions come to his aid.

We get a tragic finale for our chimera trio, which I don't consider a spoiler because I'm pretty sure anyone can see it coming. Also, your eyes weren't deceiving you last time regarding King Bradley. That pretty well recontextualizes everything we thought we knew about him. We get a character from the past showing back up, which kicks off Colonel Mustang's latest plan. (I rather enjoy this character's interactions with Lieutenant Hawkeye.) An even bigger deal is when we get to see the "father" of the homunculi. We then move into the next phase of the story with the introduction of the Xingese Mei Chang and Ling Yao, who have traveled from the East in search of the Elixir of Life, i.e. the Philosopher's Stone. Along with Ling are his two retainers Lan Fan and Fu, who help round things out. Everything is better with ninja, after all.

Remember how I said everything is better with ninja? Well, the scrap between the Elrics and the duo of Ran Fan and Fu make for a good action set piece. Our view into the lair of 'Father' is suitably creepy.

We get a short prologue for the FMA PS2 game at the end, three 4-koma, a two page "Corral Diary" and a bonus panel of Greed and a boiled egg.

This is another solid volume that doles out an even share of revelations and action while carrying us forward. Give it a read.

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