Inuyasha (1999)


Volume 10

Inuyasha - Volume 10 (1999)

Author/Artist: Rumiko Takahashi
Publisher: Shounen Sunday Comics

Guided by Naraku, a badly wounded Sango hunts down Inuyasha to avenge her village.

Sango was already given good establishment in the previous volume, but we see just how much of an iron-willed beast she can be in her fight with Inuyasha. We then start to integrate her into the team while getting the backstory of the Shikon Jewel. (Pay attention to this one, kids. The themes of the Midoriko story will be revisited later on.) While the Water God story that follows is mostly just a monster-of-the-week thing, it does serve the useful purpose of furthering Sango's integration into the team before the next encounter with Naraku. In particular, we start to build up the Miroku-Sango dynamic, which one of the better developed beta couples I've seen.

The Inuyasha/Sango fight is some good stuff and there's some good action to be had in the Water God section too.

Particularly for the well-done fight between Inuyasha and Sango and also for the Shikon Jewel's backstory, this is a volume worth having.

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