Dragon Half (1990)


Volume 2

Dragon Half - Volume 2 (1990)

Author/Artist: Ryusuke Mita
Publisher: Fujimi Fantasia Comics

Mink and her friends are called on to rescue a mermaid from one of Azatodeth's servants in order to obtain the first of the three Holy Relics.

This volume features the tournament that comprised the second episode of the OAV, but there are a number of other little quests to be had. The fact that Mink is on Azatodeth's radar increases the threat level (but not by much as this is a very silly series). The Robero story had an unexpectedly heartwarming conclusion and, honestly, the story of Pam the Naga Spider was kinda sweet too.

The art continues to appeal. I thought Pam the Naga Spider's design was interesting. Vena's tournament outfit was pretty good too. Given the nature of the series, Mita doesn't go all-out on the action set pieces, but Mink's fight with Dug Fin during the tournament wasn't bad.

If you were hooked the first volume, you'll find this a worthy followup. While the tournament is the highlight, the other quests aren't bad either. I say it's worth a read.

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