Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie (2022)
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Director: Ryota Itoh
Studio: Doga Kobo
Starring: Shuichiro Umeda, Saori Onishi, Nobuhiko Okamoto
Episodes: 12
A mishap-prone boy has to be protected by his girlfriend, who only wants to be seen as an ordinary cute girl.
I was drawn in by the initial premise and the appealing character designs. Basically, Shikimori is Superman to Izumi's Lois Lane. At least that's how it starts. It probably would've been a good idea to lean into this and play up the comedy of Izumi's ridiculous bad luck and Shikimori desperately trying to play the typical cute girl while performing feats of over-the-top heroism. Instead, it gets dialed back and we explore the two character's respective insecurities fairly seriously before closing out in a decent state of equilibrium. If I had to liken the series something, I would say it's like a crepe, decent-looking and fairly sweet but ultimately thin and lacking substance. If the characters are supposed to be taken seriously, they should've been more grounded and rounded. The supporting cast is alright, but like the leads, there's not much substance to them. I guess I should be thankful the show didn't leave me annoyed and didn't descend into harem shenanigans (although a potential rival is briefly teased). Maybe I'd be happier with a Kakkouii Dake Ja Nai Kamiya-san spinoff. It's fairly inoffensive viewing that doesn't capitalize on its potential. If you like the look of it and want some light viewing with a cool/cute girl and moeblob boy, this might be for you. If you're looking for something meatier, you're better off looking elsewhere. Take it or leave it.